" Asher.....hi" I moved towards him hugging him softly.

" Hi beautiful, always your beauty stands out in every place you go" I blushed at that. Asher knows a way with words, he was the sweetest man I have ever met.

" What are you doing here" I instead asked.

" I am here on the date, but it's boring. Rodney set me up with him but fuck he is no where near you" he said looking back at the restaurant. My face heated further. Nolan slug his hand over my waist protectively and I liked his possessiveness" oh and who is this Nate" Asher smiled looking at Nolan.

" This is Nolan, Nolan this is Asher my ex" Asher's eyes widened.

" The Nolan, Nolan" he asked as I nodded " finally you have him" I saw hurt in his eyes " hey man I have heard a lot about you not physically but in dreams" my eyes widened at that.

" Asher it was good to see you again" i wanted to get away from this embarrassing conversation.

" I hope he treats you right Nate, if he hurts you call me and I will kick his ass" we both burst out laughing. we both knew Nolan could take Asher down by one punch. For god's sakes look at the man besides me, he is like a God. " It was good seeing you again Nate, take care let me hope one day I will meet the one like you" I nodded hugging him again " I will always love you Nate" with that he walked back to the restaurant. I held Nolan's hand once again going to his car.

" What did he mean by knowing me in dreams" Nolan asked as soon as we entered the car and drove off.

" He was just bluffing" I shrugged blushing, I can't tell him that I was dreaming about him when I was with my ex boyfriend's.

" He wasn't bluffing Nate, come on tell me, do you talk about me in your dreams" Nolan was confused.

" No,it's embarrassing" I say looking down at my fingers.

" Say it Nate or else I will tickle You" my eyes widened, he still remembers that. I remember the day we had sex was the day Nolan found out about my body being sensitive, I can't believe he still remembers that. So he wasn't lying when he said I was on his mind most of the time. " Don't look at me like that of course I still recall do you think I can forget something which was so special to me huh, believe it or not Nate but you were and still are someone so special to me and I treasure those memories" he said parking his car in front of my house.

My heart was swelling in happiness, he remembers that day oh god. I am seeing the new Nolan " now tell me" he insisted turning off the gear.

" Ok ok, I kinda of call you name when sleeping" I confessed looking away " that's why Asher broke up with me"

" Oh shit I am so so sorry about that"

" It's not your fault Nolan"

" It's kinda my fault" he said putting his hand on my thigh. " I promise to never hurt you again" he said with sincerity in eyes eyes and voice.

" I know" I say believing him hundred percent " wanna come in for a drink"

" Yeah it's not like I have anything to do, the house is empty and boring"

" If you want you can spend the night" I blurted out without thinking. my eyes widened in shock " not that we are going to do anything no, just sleeping, in different bedrooms in that you can not get bored all alone at home" I rumbled on, I can't believe I am this nervous.

" You're so cute" Nolan said chuckling " the first day I saw you again I thought man he is a jerk but seeing you talk like this is so hot and sexy" Nolan said moving out of the car. He opened my door for me as soon as I got out I was pressed against the car door as Nolan pressed a deep kiss on my lips which left me trembling " let's enter you're shivering" Nolan pulled me towards the house as I unlocked it with my key, I gave Earth a day off since the twins weren't here.

" That's the guest room, I will get you flash clothes" Nolan nodded heading towards the bedroom I have showed him. I can't believe Nolan Thompson is in my house and he is going to spend the night here. I walked in to my closet picking out one of my big shirts and sweatpants that can fit him. I got to the guest room opening the door Nolan was in the shower. I put the clothes on the bed as I went towards my bedroom.

I changed in to sweatpants , brushed my teeth than get out to see how Nolan was doing. I knocked on his room softly " um I came to see if You need anything " I asked.

" No really Nate" he replied

" The clothes are tight on You" I chuckled

." Yeah but they are comfy and they smell like you" he replied.

" Ok ok good night" I say dismissing the conversation.

" Nate I know we agreed in taking things slow but I won't sleep knowing that you're in the next room" Nolan blurted out " let me sleep next to you baby, I promise nothing is gonna happen. I just want to cuddle with you" he asked as I thought about it. I nodded pulling him towards my bedroom.

He lied down on his back as I positioned myself on his chest " I like this" Nolan said " I love you baby good night" he placed a kiss on my temple making me smile.I pulled myself closer to him and before I knew it I was in my slumber sleeping with a smile on my face.

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