" You know Ronnie" I asked shocked.

" Yeah, Toby came to me like two years ago asking for my help after I won the case against the mayor, his brother was in some sort of terrible and I helped him" he replied shrugging his shoulders

" And he knew it was you who helped him" I asked.

" Yes" that bastard, he never mentioned about it, he has so much to explain. The door opened as the waiter brought our food. We started to eat making a small conversation not too deep and him telling me about the twins. In about one hour or so we had finished eating and we were waiting for our desert. We kept quiet most of the time not knowing what to talk about.

" I am sorry Nate"I decided to say what brought me here. He looked at me confused.

" For what" he asked

" For everything Nate, for leaving you when you needed me the most. I hurt you so much and I don't know why you're even giving me a chance which I know I don't deserve at all" a tear slipped out of my eye "I was selfish Nate, I was a coward thinking about my reputation, I am really a bad person Nate I really don't deserve you"

" I am really really sorry, please find it in your heart to forgive me. This time I will make sure to be better for you and my kids. I want you in my life, I have realized how mush i need you. I always thought why I didn't love all the woman I have been with all these years, there were something missing but now i know what was missing its you my love" I rumbled on,Nate was looking at me not saying anything taking shaky intakes. He looked away from me and my heart ached.

I stood up from my seat walking towards him as I knelt down in front of him and I gasped, he was crying. " Nate" i called out.

" I don't know Nolan" he said looking at me with teary eyes " I have never judged you Nolan for anything. Yes I might have been angry for the first few days but when I looked in to it I forgive you because it wasn't your fault Nolan. I understand why you left, your were young, you panicked therefore you don't have to apologize for anything" I really don't deserve him at all.

" I really don't deserve you" i voiced out my thoughts. " You're so pure Nate" I said looking in his eyes. " I was young but You were young too, I should have stayed and figure things out with you. Now I ha..." I trilled off not know what to say.

" Nolan it's ok, that was in the past. Let's focus on the present" he Said with a small smile on his face. " You're here now" he added leaning in as he pressed his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. His lips are so soft and delicious I can kiss them all day and I don't get tired.

" Why are you crying love" I asked when tears started streaming his face. " Give us space I will call you" I said to the waiter who had opened the door. She closed it as I focused my attention to my baby

" I have wanted you Nolan for so long, I can't believe this is happening but I can't shake off this feeling inside of me thinking whether time it's for real or you're just playing around like before" he asked scared, I'm such a bad human being for making this beautiful angel cry.

" This time Nate, I am not playing around. I really need you. I am willing to throw everything I have worked for to just be with you and the kids. This time I am not running away from you! I'm here to stay" i say wiping his strained face " I loved you before and I still love you Nate so much"

" But you sai-" i cut him off.

"That day you told me about your pregnancy, I came there to tell you to be in a secret relationship with you. My friends thought I had come to dump you but for real I had come to tell you the whole truth. I lied when I said I didn't love you Nate. I fell for you so hard I couldn't control myself but I panicked when you told me that you're pregnant. Remember I told you that I wanted to tell you something when we met but when you said that you too want to tell me something, I told to go first" he nodded " that's what I wanted to tell you" I sighed " I panicked and when I went home, my parents were nagging me to go to German for a long time to study from there than i saw that as an opportunity to run away so I did but I regret it Nate. There wasn't a day that passed when I didn't think of you"

" Why didn't you look for me"

" I was scared, I didn't know what you will do to me. I always thought the worst happened to you, or you lost the baby, or You died since your were so young so many things were in my mind Nate, I felt so guilty thinking about those things! it was fear Nate, if I found out that one of those things happened to You I wouldn't have lived with myself, so I decided to act like you never existed, I played the safe card Nate but deep inside my heart you were there always" I finished, Nate pulled me in to a tight hug hugging the life out of me.

" Thank you for coming back in my life Nolan, I love you so much, I have never stopped" he said between sobs

" I love you too Nate" I say with a smile, he just pulled me in to a passionate kiss. We looked at each other with smiles on our faces. I can't believe I was so blind, he makes me so happy and I really want to be in his arms forever. " Will you be my boyfriend" I asked after breaking up the kiss.

" Nothing I want more than that but my father told me before I do anything he wants to speak to you" my heart pounded in my chest " don't worry he won't do anything" he said calming me down.

" I will do anything for you to be my boyfriend Nate. Even if I have to face your dad. I will show him how serious I am about you" he nodded " thank you for giving me another chance baby" he nodded. I stood up going back to my sit grinning from ear to ear.

" One more thing" I nodded" let's take it slow ok"

" Whatever you want baby"

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