"He's almost out." He voice said. The last thing I saw was Niall looking into my eyes with pure guilt.


*Niall's POV*

"I thought you said you weren't going to hurt him." I grounded my teeth together. Liam held his hand on my shoulder. Zayn watched Louis with a smile on his face.

"We'll do what we have to." Zayn looked up at me. "He probably knows things. We can get information out of him." He looked over at Liam. "Strap him down." He commanded. Liam's hand gently left my shoulder and he walked over to the limp boy laying on the ground.

"Were do you get this?" I asked. I tried to remain calm even though I knew that Harry was going to kill me. I ran my fingers along the metal table.

"Amazon." He grinned. I shook my head.

"Internet." I tried to smile. "I think I'm going to get something to drink." I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. Zayn nodded and I ran out of the room. In a split second I was outside of the house Zayn, Liam, and I were currently in. Instead of doing what I told Zayn I was doing, I sat down on the grass.

Harry was my friend. I had tried to get him to be my friend for almost two hundred years and now I just threw that away. But you didn't have a choice Niall! They would have replaced Louis with you! The voice inside my head said. I groaned and put my face in my hands. I didn't want this to happen like this. Nobody was supposed to get hurt. Everything about that room I was just in, reminded me of Harry.

"Ugh." I grunted. I didn't know what to do. I could go get Harry now and risk both of us getting in trouble or I could just wait and see what happened. Maybe Zayn really meant what he said. I sighed and got up. I wish I never agreed to this. Maybe I should have just let them take me. Harry was basically my best mate and I just betrayed him.

"Hey Niall come inside." Liam was standing next to me. "Louis woke up." He reached out his hand and I took it. He helped me up and we ran inside. I stopped at the door. Someone was screaming and I think I had an idea who it was. I pressed my head against the wall and tried to block out the noise.

"He's just a human." Liam said from besides me. I nodded my head and looked back up at him. "Come." He ushered me inside the dark room. Zayn wasn't in there but Louis was by himself.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked. Louis' head snapped up and he stared at me with wide eyes. Liam continued to walk towards him.

"Went out." He said. "A few minutes ago." He reached down and touch Louis' face. Louis' arms were restrained to the sides of his head and so were his feet and waist and neck.

"Let me go!" Louis cried. He twisted around in every way possible. Liam's lips formed into a smile, something I always thought was creepy. He ran his fingers over Louis' sweatshirt and then looked back up at me.

"Watch him." He ordered and swiftly walked out of the room. Leaving us alone. Louis ignored my presents and started trying to get his body out of the restrains. Everything about it reminded me of Harry. It was like a horror movie, I guess.

"Niall please help me." Louis closed his eyes. He was breathing really heavy and he looked helpless.

"I.. I can't." I responded. A weird sound came from his mouth and he looked up at me the best he could.

"I trusted you." He spat at me. "Harry trusted you." His head shot back down and he looked up at the ceiling. "Somebody help me!" He screamed. His screams turned into crying and I tried to block out the sound.

"Mum." He whimpered softly. "Mum help me." His shoulders arched off the table and then fell back down. "I'm sorry." He twisted his head to the side and took a deep breath. Was he finally going to calm down?

"I'm sorry Louis." I spoke softly. Louis grew silent but I could still hear him breathing heavily.

"What do you want with me?" He spoke quietly.

"Zayn wants something from Harry." I walked over to him. He turned his head to the side and watched me. "I don't know too much but..." I scratched the back of my head.

"But what?" He gulped. "Why do you need me?" His eyes were glassed over.

"Because Harry likes you Louis." A frown fell upon my face. "He really likes you. So if we have you. Then we have him."

"Don't hurt him." Louis pleaded. I kept myself from laughing at him.

"Aren't you worried about yourself?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Niall don't let them get him." He pleaded. His hands balled into fist. "He's your friend."

"I don't even know what they need." I pushed my hair out of my face. "I'm really sorry Louis."

"Then why did you do it?!" His voice raised and he yanked his hands around. I stared at him, without saying a word. His face narrowed in realisation. "Better me than you right?" He let out a puff of air and turned to look at the ceiling. "I knew you didn't like me but I didn't think you would hate me this much." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sorry." I responded quietly and walked to the other side of the room. A couple minutes afterwards Zayn glided into the room.

"Aw he's awake!" Zayn smirked at Louis. I slid down the wall and took a deep breath. I didn't want this to happen like this. "Louis Tomlinson right?" He tapped Louis' chest that was heaving up and down. "Aren't you hot in that?" He lifted up Louis' sweatshirt slightly.

"No." Louis answered quietly. Zayn ignored what he said and ripped the clothing in half. Louis; and my eyes widened at the strength he had. He proceeded to rip the sleeves and then threw it across the room and looked back down at Louis.

"Better." He pressed his hand against Louis' bare chest. I watched Louis shiver and he started thrashing around. "Calm down Louis." Zayn purred. He glanced up at me.

"What?" I asked. Zayn shook his head.

"Nothing." His hand left Louis and he walked towards me. My stomach clenched and he stopped in front of me. "How long do you think it will take for Harry to find out?" He spoke quietly so that Louis wouldn't hear.

"About a day. Maybe two." I answered. He grinned and nodded. "Keep watching him and do what you have to do to keep him quiet. Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Good boy." He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it and then he left the room also. I groaned when he left and buried my face into my knees.

What have I done?

Vampire's Apprentice // Larry StylinsonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя