T͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ V͜͡o͜͡i͜͡c͜͡e͜͡s͜͡

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Hey! I feel like I should have a catchphrase, how about "Hey! Dam Percashippers"!? Cause all of you most likely like or love Percabeth unless you're here to read a story about a ship you hate. Do people do that idk? But anyway what do ya'll think of the catchphrase?

Also, I couldn't think of a picture to put above so I just put a cute Percabeth head cannon. I wanted to give you guys something to fangirl/boy/person over because this chapter does not have Percy in it and it is a little upsetting so brace yourself cause I about to pull an Uncle Rick on you! Hahaha! (I don't kill anyone dw)

Btw this a dream chapter so some of it will be in italics and her thoughts will be in bold italics.

Annabeth's pov
"Ms. Chase you're up next," Madam said looking at her clipboard while Drew proudly walked off the stage.

You can do this Annabeth. Remember Grace and Beauty.

I took the stage. And a deep breath.

"Whenever your ready, Annabeth."

Will cheered. "Go! Annabeth!" Drew sneered at him he sneered right back.

I started. I had practised this routine so many times, I should know it like the back of my hand. But for some reason, I felt myself starting to slow down. I messed up a pirouette. A pirouette. I kept still kept going and then...then my legs collapsed and I couldn't stand up let alone keep dancing. The voices filled my head again.

You're such a disappointment and to think you could do this.

No wonder your father keeps leaving to go on long trips, it's all because of you.

Why does Will even bother being friends with you?

You're not pretty enough for the role anyway. You're too fat.

Drew's going to get the role she's way better than you. And prettier too.

You eat too much this is why you can't dance.

Just give up on your dreams already.

I could hear everyone else laughing and my parent's disappointment, I could hear my dreams slipping away as the voices screamed, shrieked and yelled. But I still couldn't move my legs. And then I saw him. Percy. He was just standing there and for a moment I felt invincible. Like I could do anything as long as he was around.

His sea-green eyes were shining with pride... Was he proud of me? And then they came back for round two.

What does he see in you?

Keep dreaming, Annabeth. He'll never like you.

You're not pretty enough to even get a guy.

He just feels sorry for you.

Why would he like you? He's probably into girls like Drew.

He's not into fat-

"Stop! Stop it!" I screamed and cried. My breathing was heavy and uneven, I couldn't see or hear anything. I just felt like dying,

You're going wake up the whole house, bitch

I kept crying I couldn't do this anymore. But I had to. I wanted to. But I couldn't.

F͜͡a͜͡l͜͡l͜͡i͜͡n͜͡g͜͡ f͜͡o͜͡r͜͡ t͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ s͜͡k͜͡8͜͡e͜͡r͜͡ | Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now