B͜͡a͜͡l͜͡l͜͡e͜͡t͜͡ B͜͡i͜͡t͜͡c͜͡h͜͡

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Hi! I'm back! Ramadan is done and I finally have time to update. Yay! Thank you guys so much for all of your support and reads, It's kept me motivated to write this story. I probably would have given up otherwise. A while back I asked you guys whether would rather have Will or Calypso as Annabeth's best friend and you guys chose Will so here he is! And obviously with Will comes My second favourite ship (Only Percabeth can beat it by a bit) SOLANGELO! Nico is already one of Perce's friends so our gay ship will succeed. I was originally planning on Caleo but I also wanted Solangelo and I couldn't decide. So asked you guys. Thanks for the help. I should probably stop talking. Thanks for reading and as always ENJOY!

Annabeth's pov
"Did you do anything interesting on the weekend, Beth?" My best friend Will asked with a bored tone as Madame droned on about posture and balance.

"Huh? No, I didn't." I said stretching. He raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? I mean you seem distracted and you're never distracted in ballet class."

"I am fine, Solace." I can't believe he thought I was distracted, I mean there was nothing to distract me.

"Really? Are you sure cause you're blushing, badly." He accused. "Could this perhaps be about a boy?"

"NO! Absolutely not." There was no boy. Percy Jackson doesn't count.

"Annabeth you are really bad at lying, you may not be gay but my gay senses (yes those exist trust me) are telling me that some lucky guy managed to steal your heart. So spill." Dam Will Solace and his gay senses.

"For the last time. There. Is. No. Lucky. Guy." I said face burning, but that was only because when you ask someone if they have a crush they tend to blush. This doesn't prove anything.

"I'll get it out of you eventually." He said with a sly grin. "I always do." Will Solace had been my best friend since we were six, I met him at my first ballet class when everyone was making fun of him for being a boy. At thirteen I was the first person that he told when he came out about being gay. It felt nice to know that he trusted me enough to tell me something so big. When he came out he honestly thought that I would stop being friends with him. I told him he was never going to get rid of me, it was safe to say that I trusted Will with my life and he trusted me with his.

"There's nothing to tell," I huffed and turned my attention back to Madame. She was introducing a new student.

"This is Antonio Spurs, he's a French transfer student from Poitiers and he will be with us for the rest of the year," Madame said referring to a brunette. He was okay looking.

He's not as hot as Percy.

Shut up, conscience. Percy's not hot. At least I don't think so. Anyway back to the French guy. Antonio told us about himself and blah, blah, blah... It wasn't that interesting. He seemed like a decent enough human. Some of the girls seemed to be interested in him considering he was the only non-gay guy in the class. But non of them stood a chance not if Drew Tanaka had anything to say about it. Antonio was Drew's next boy toy.

"Ok class as you all know our next recital is of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake and Antonio will be our Prince Siegfried and one of you girls will play the part of Odette." She explained. I already knew this I mean after all I had been practising for weeks. This part could mean a lot for me, it could that I finally get a scholarship to 'The New York Academy of the Arts'. (I know this place doesn't exist lol) It could mean that I prove myself to the world. When I die I want people to hear my name and recognise me. And even if that doesn't happen at least I'll die trying.

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