Soon, I decide to continue walking. Every step I take, the more scared I get. How the shuck do Minho and the other Runners come in here every single day?

"Ella?!" I call out for what seems like the millionth time. Yet again, there's no response. Where has this girl got to?

I look up and see it's getting dark. I need to hurry and find her before the doors close.

"ELLA!" I yell. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY! COME TO ME! PLEASE!" I sprint down endless corridors, yet there's no sign of her.

"LIV!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see Minho. "WHAT THE SHUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!"

"I'm trying to find Ella!"

"Why would she be in here?!"

"She was nowhere in the Glade! Where else could she be?!"

"We need to go. Now. The doors will be shutting any minute now and we're quite far away from them" He grabs my wrist and starts sprinting. I shake free of him and try my best to keep up with him. It wasn't easy, but I managed to do it all the same.

After what seemed like an eternity, Minho told me we were only a few turns away from the Glade. I breathed a sigh of relief, the stitch in my side that I had had for a while now was getting really bad and I think I had twisted my ankle half way through, but I must push on.

"LAST CORNER!" Minho shouts. As we turn the corner, the Glade comes into view. Everyone is standing there, yelling at us to hurry up.

The Doors were already closing; there would barely be enough time to get through.

"GO, GO, GO!" Minho yells. He manages to get through the door easy enough, however for me it's a different story.

I slip into the already narrow gap, and squeeze myself through the Doors. I had blocked out all the sounds, except Gally yelling for me to hurry up. Just as I collapsed on the floor of the Glade, the doors slammed shut.

"Liv!" everyone shouts, rushing to my side. Gally scoops me up and puts me on his lap while I rest my head on his chest. "Never scare me like that again. Ok?" he murmurs. I nod. It's all I can do. I don't know if the reason I can't talk is because of how out of breath I am, or how terrified I am. It's probably both, to be honest.

"Let's get you to the Medjacks" Gally picks me up and carries me to the Medshack. "She has quite a lot of scratches from the doors and something has happened to her ankle" Gally explains to Clint and Jeff.

"She'll be fine. Don't worry" Clint assures Gally.

"Can I stay with her while you sort her out?" Gally asks.

"Of course" Jeff smiles. "I'd be scared to say no, anyway" he laughs.

"Let's have a look, then" Clint examines my ankle.

"I only twisted it" I say, my voice finally deciding to return.

"What happened out there?" Gally squeezes my hand.

"I was running around, calling for Ella. But she didn't respond. Oh god, she's in there, isn't she? She's trapped with the Grievers overnight. She's gonna- she's gonna die in there, alone. Why did I come back? I should have carried on trying to find her" I wrap my arms around Gally's neck.

"If you stayed out there, you would be dead too"

"I might have survived the Grievers. But Ella won't. Not by herself"

"Olivia!" I look at the doorway to where the voice came from and see Ella.

"Oh my god! Ella!" I try to get up, but Gally stops me.

"Your ankle, Liv" he reminds me.

"I don't shucking care" I get up and limp my way over to her and wrap her in a tight hug. "Thank god you're ok" I say, while stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry for worrying everyone. I didn't mean for you to nearly die"

"Don't worry about it, sweetie. It's ok. Where were you?"

"With Alby"

I groan. Why didn't I think to check there? We checked the whole Glade, except Alby's hut. "What were you doing there?" I ask.

"Alby was asking me how I was and how I have felt. He was also asking about my nightmares, and if I wanted a job"

"Do you want a job?"

"I think so. It's getting boring doing pretty much nothing all day. But am I too young?"

"It depends on the job you choose and what you have to do in it. But I think there's got to be a job you can do. I'll try and think of one, ok?"

"Thanks, Liv!" She smiles, and wraps me in a hug, then runs off somewhere. Gally helps me back to my bed.

Gally's Pov

"I'll be right back, darling" I peck her cheek.

"Where are you going?"

"To speak to Alby"

"You're going to have a go at him, aren't you?"

I sigh. How does she know?

"Maybe" I admit.

"Gally" She takes hold of my hand and squeezes
it. "It's ok" She smiles.

"But because of him, you nearly died!"

"It's not his fault, Gal. You need to stop blaming people for things they didn't cause. Alby has every right to ask to speak to any Glader here, and I shouldn't have gotten so worried. It's my fault, and my fault alone, ok?" She pulls me in for a hug.

"Why are you always right?" I mumble.

"It's my job" She giggles.

Who do you simp for the most in the Maze Runner?

Me: Gally😩🛐

Words: 1573

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