the luckiest encounter

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as soon as wonwoo saw kaehee reduced into crisp, he passed out, and wasn't aware of anything that happened next.

what was strange is the god of luck awoke in a peaceful setting that looked very much like asylus. what? did we go back to asylus? weren't they in that new habitable planet? where's jeonghan? seungcheol? junhui? the two humans?

a playful poke from behind startled the god, jolting upwards immediately. wonwoo grunted as he turned around, hearing an annoyingly mischievous laugh.

there stood a tall being, dressed in a way that would give you the impression of a pig butcher. his hair was brown and fluffy, and there were autumn leaves stuck on his hair. wonwoo, annoyed, brushed the leaves out from the lousy man's hair.

"haha! you died! loser!"

wonwoo scoffed, crossing his arms. "how lucky i am, huh?"

mingyu then nodded teasingly, shrugging. "yeah, so very lucky, bag of luck. you ended up in the same beyond as me. isn't that cool?! we can go give luck to other resting gods here now! except kaehee, she didn't die an honorable death, so," he shrugged. "yeah."

"they would rather not have us disturb them, stupid pig raiser." wonwoo narrowed his eyes at mingyu, which made him look like he was blinking. "i can't believe i died so suddenly."

"yeah, the more sudden, the better! now we're reunited! now i can be annoying, i can flirt with you, and i can provide you entertainment! oh! do you remember saying that you'd give your heart to me?!" mingyu babbled on, which wonwoo responded with an irked grunt. mingyu laughed.

"i have never made such a disgusting claim in my life e—"

"don't worry, i'll give you my heart too." mingyu reassured, chuckling. the tall demigod then runs to wonwoo with open arms, suffocating him with a bone-crushing hug. wonwoo didn't like being hugged because it felt irritating, but he let it slide this once.

because it's mingyu, maybe.

it hasn't been long since they met each other, but wonwoo's fond of the demigod. maybe it's because of his annoying trait.

"oh, right! i almost forgot!" mingyu lets go of wonwoo, still ecstatic. the demigod turns to the side. "do you want to see seokmin again?"

"you have no choice but to see me again, sadly,"

wonwoo turned to where mingyu was looking, and saw seokmin. with his red scarf, his weird-looking ponytail, his brown, curly hair. his smile was as vibrant as ever, and he looked so alive.

wonwoo beamed, striding to reach him. "seokmin! it's nice to see you again, finally!"

"psh, you're flattering no one. maybe i should leave. you two are having a moment, i believe." seokmin smiled, side hugging wonwoo. the puppy-looking demigod laughed, like he was enjoying it.

"no we were not!"

"don't deny it! you're hurting my feelings! ouchie! ouch!"

"it seems like you two need a love advice." a new voice joined in, chuckling.

"OH NO!" seokmin exclaimed, pointing at jeonghan. "you died?! but you're hard to kill!"

jeonghan crossed his arms, as the other two laughed it off. "well, i did. and you should accept it. right, where was i? need a love advice?"

wonwoo turned beet red, huffing. "i do not!"

"but your lovers, jeonghan-hyung...." mingyu asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern. "did you...?"

jeonghan sadly smiled. "i didn't want to leave them either, but i know they will be happy."

"huh. you're being kind again." wonwoo crossed his arms, looking at a fuming mingyu judgingly. can't he be kind?! "weird."

"that's because i learned lessons from my previous master, unlike when i was tagging along with you!"

"settle down. how about we go near the river and have a fishing competition?!"

"not fair! i'm the demigod of fire, i wouldn't be good at that!"

"and i'm the god of luck," wonwoo responds, looking at mingyu. "so you better stick to me to get fish."

"you didn't need love advice after all!"

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