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"little human! you dressed me weirdly again!" seungcheol complained, like a fucking toddler. honestly, is jisoo truly the little human here?! "people are looking at me!"

"what?! your outfit is cool! doll handpicked that one for you!" jeonghan crossed his legs, leaning on the bench he sat as he and jisoo watched seungcheol hold a fashion show in a boutique— which is now a tantrum showcase from seungcheol. "i liked mine!"

"but—oh. ooh," seungcheol was about to complain, but it seems like he had a eureka moment. if he's going to bring up anything ahout jisoo's projectile pooping or jisoo's cringey dramatic speeches, jisoo's going to run out of the store and get hit by a 16-wheeler truck.

(it will be possible with wonwoo's blessing of luck.)

"ooh, what, cheol? insulting me again?" jisoo pouted, his eyebrows knitting. jeonghan laughed. they're teaming up on jisoo!

"you just want to see my chest, don't you? you keep on making me wear these clothes that flaunt my—ehem—beautifully chiseled chest." seungcheol teased, crossing his arms at jisoo. jeonghan was busy toppling over laughing, so he didn't notice jisoo looking completely guilty.

true, but why does seungcheol hate it so much?! when's he going to show everyone those mommy milkers?! when jisoo gets cancelled?!

"okay, fine, yes, but why do you hate it?!" jisoo replied. jeonghan was crying out of laughter now. jisoo wanted to push jeonghan off the chair.

"because i want what jeonghan has going on!" seungcheol pointed at the god, who currently wore this pink jumper inside a denim overall, and a frog bucket hat. "i'm going to destroy everything here if you don't buy me those!"

"calm down, deary, we'll—"

jisoo arrogantly stuck his chin up the air, glaring at seungcheol. "try me."

three idiots stand outside the boutique, wearing matching green frog bucket hats. they looked like they were mannequins, standing there in humiliation, in complete stillness.

yeah, it was kind of jisoo's fault. but hey! they got matching frog hats! it matches now with their grotesque blue clay frog rings! jisoo can now be considered as a fashion terrorist. (word coined by chan, which means having the same fashion sense as wonwoo.)

"i think that this is not a good memory. let us go to the amusement park again." seungcheol crossed his arms, turning to the two in his denim overall and blue pastel jumper. jisoo wanted to do a backflip whenever he sees their outfits. that caused everything to go wrong earlier.

"they're closed right now." jisoo replied, wearing his denim overall and purple pastel jumper. "let's just go to a cafe or something."

yeah, you saw that right. jisoo bought themselves matching outfits and bucket hats, before they were thrown out because seungcheol messed up the items on display. now they look like triplets. and one just threw a tantrum.

they were cute, and matching—but at what cost? embarrassment. and a little doo doo stain on jisoo's public image.

"this is definitely not a good start." jeonghan agreed. he is rarely negative, but in this situation, he has to agree. "should we just go home?"

"yeah. sorry." seungcheol sighed, admitting his mistake. "let's just go watch that movie we watched yesterday again."

jisoo cracked a smile. seungcheol?? said sorry?? to them?? talk about character development! this sulky little immortal's still the best boyfriend, after all. "apology accepted, but i don't want to to home. the band kids are back, and they're probably all over the place. they had a gig last night."

"yikes." seungcheol reacted, grabbing jisoo's hand out of the blue. (now is the cue for jisoo to get run over a sixteen wheeler truck, wonwoo! jisoo's seriously embarrassing himself by blushing madly again!) "i'll just go wherever you go."

jeonghan giggled, grabbing seungcheol's hand. seungcheol stood in the middle today, and jisoo is a bit salty about it. he does not deserve that spot. not after he pulled an 'ipad kid tantrum' inside that boutique. but he apologized, so it's okay. jisoo will forget the whole thing if seungcheol kissed him.

(just kidding!)

"me too! lead the way, dear doll! i'll follow you to death!"

"er—alright, let's just go to the cat cafe nearby." sure, jisoo. go to the cat cafe and embarrass yourselves again. "you don't have any allergies, right?"


watch them turn that place into a heap of mess ten minutes in! jisoo bets his public image on it!


"no! stop! little human, stop taking photographs! i demand you to stop!" seungcheol pointed at jisoo accusingly, only making jisoo laugh. the oversized toddler had cats on his head and lap, and jisoo was just taking photos. "help me!"

"fine, then i'll take photos of jeonghan."

"really?! your device can take photos?!" jeonghan exclaimed, diverting his gaze from the black cat on his lap to jisoo. "i'd like to see myself with cats! please take photos of me, doll!"

see! learn from jeonghan, seungcheol! it doesn't require you to sacrifice anything to be nice! that grumpy little cat lover acting like a tsundere doesn't deserve cats.

"gladly! you're cute with them, jeonghan!" jisoo giggled, snapping hundreds of pictures of jeonghan and a cat. seungcheol glanced at them and sulked.  "oh! another cat is coming!"

"ah, doll, you're taking too much pictures!" jeonghan laughed, hearing jisoo's furious picture-taking. the god then reseolves seungcheol's tsundere issue. "aw. i want photographs of us with kittens. cherry, can you join us?"

"what? no. i have an underlying problem—"

"let's just do it together, jeonghan—"

"no! i am joining! i am joining now!" seungcheol changes his mind, which made his boyfriends laugh uncontrollably. his sour expression turns into a smile, which properly depicted seungcheol's true feelings towards the cat and the pictures.

jisoo snaps hundreds of pictures of the three of them with cats, and he saw his phone notify him of his storage—but whatever. cat cafe date with immortal boyfriends are more important. more important than some basic selfie jisoo has on his phone.

the boutique idea was bad, but they managed to save the day! yes, jisoo might have no bills in his wallet and that he has doo doo stains on his image now because they got kicked out, but the memories are definitely worth it! don't you think? this day was one of the best days jisoo has ever lived!

jisoo guessed that at the end of the day, everything goes well for protagonists after all, huh?

(no. not true. spoiler alert: they got kicked out of the cat cafe for not ordering anything. and went home to jisoo's apartment smelling like barf.)

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