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it was decided that jeonghan and mingyu would be persuading the townspeople, and other asylusians to go with them to the temporary home that junhui had just created.

(mingyu had shapeshifted into seokmin, of course, because the demigod thinks that nobody would trust him.)

jeonghan was quite nervous, his heart beating faster every step closer to the commonplace—where every citizen in asylus stood, working heedlessly for their master.

it was a long and lonely couple of years that he didn't show up in asylus. he wonders if the new generation of people still know that there are other gods; or if the people from back then passed on the stories about how asylus used to be a harmonious planet, with ten gods and beautiful sceneries.

jeonghan was scared. it was also for the fact that he was scared of people judging his title and appearance that he hid himself away. what if they would just laugh at him? with all these ugly scars and stuff.

no, no.

jisoo and seungcheol were right about what they said. beauty is not about being flawless. it's not about what's on the outside, but what's on the inside. after all, it's the flaws that makes someone, someone, right?

jeonghan believes that he is beautiful—and so are you. so is everyone. flaws? those things are what makes a person themselves. those are their unique quality, their own beauty.

"folks! listen up!" mingyu clapped, halting in his tracks. that was the only time when jeonghan realized they reached the town.

here we go.

"i am seokmin, the god of war. he is jeonghan, the god of love and beauty. while the current god governing you is away, me and the other gods created another planet for you all to live in temporarily. we will be making kaehee perish in asylus, and we want you to be safe, so please come along and we will lead you to the portal towards the new planet. kaehee is currently on earth, so do not fret. she will not know what happened." mingyu said. he lied on the first part, but the rest was true.

(the demigod had to use seokmin's appearance for people to believe him.)

a small crowd formed around them, who whispered amongst themselves like bees. jeonghan could hear them say 'lie', 'untrue', and some other words of doubt—so he decides to speak up.

"hello, everyone. you might not be familiar with me, but," jeonghan smiled, walking forward to the crowd. a bird who chirped in glee flew down to land on jeonghan's shoulder, making the god chuckle. "i am jeonghan, god of love and beauty. i may not have been around for long, but you can trust me, and my other companions. i promise.

"kaehee has tricked the gods a long time ago, which led to annihilation of the half of us, and disbandment of the gods. she stole the sources of our power, making her the most powerful out of the universe, but now, we choose to put up a fight. even if we lose, it would be okay, because you'd be safe in another planet—which is a much safer one."

mingyu guessed that jeonghan had a natural charm to him, which lets him get his way around things. thankfully he did, because the people trust them now—and was willing to go to the new planet they created.

as jeonghan kept on welcoming asylusians in; keeping the line in check, counting heads, giving some necessities and boring stuff like that—a young man suddenly approached him. eerily, his clothing reminded of what jisoo would wear.

"heh. where's the other god you were with?" he asked, crossing his arms. "i saw him change into someone else earlier. are you sure you guys aren't bad?"

jeonghan took off his eyes from the asylusians who were entering, to entertain this young man. "we definitely are not, young man. he likes changing appearances to look cool."

the young man puffed out air. "seriously? you think i am going to believe that?"

"no, but he's not bad, still," jeonghan chuckled, shrugging. "trust us. you've been in there, right? surely, you'd think that the planet we created looks better than asylus." he raises his eyebrows.

"i've seen better." the young man quipped, gaining jeonghan's full attention. the god laughed again, looking back on mingyu who was off cutting some logs to give to some families.

"yeah? you've only been in asylus your whole life, i bet." jeonghan guessed.

"i'm a traveler. my name is seungkwan." he introduced himself, and jeonghan offered a hand. the young man shook it, before continuing. "in my homeland, i live with lots of people. they're a handful. one even looks like you."

jeonghan didn't know if he should believe seungkwan or not. but, nonetheless, he asked the traveler to continue. "hm? go on. what was the one who was akin to me like?"

"he had his way around everything. a trickster, i'd say. you seem the total opposite, but i'm still wary of you. because you might be a trickster like him. or what if you are the god of mischief?"

"i am only the god of love and beauty, traveler."

"good riddance. you're very beautiful, if i may add," seungkwan smiled, which jeonghan mirrored. he was a difficult young man. "god of love, huh...? the one who looks like you in my world is very caring and loving as well, so maybe you aren't a trickster after all."

"you are very beautiful too. now get in. i'll see you soon." jeonghan patted his shoulder once, letting him get inside the portal. he was the last person to get in, so jeonghan uses a spell to lock the portal and make it invisible to the naked eye.

surely, kaehee wouldn't find out about the portal. jeonghan is the best at enchantment, spells and curses. he secured the portal with the best of his ability; and nobody should be able to break the seal. hopefully, kaehee doesn't excel at sorcery better because she has seven cores. it's natural talent!

now that we're done, "mingyu?" jeonghan creaked out, looking around. he strides to the taller demigod when jeonghan saw him burning down a tree. "mingyu!"

"oh—! yeah?" mingyu turned around, crossing his arms. jeonghan furrowed his brows at him. "what?!"

"i've sealed the portal. you were taking too long! and now what, you are once again playing with fire!" jeonghan scolds, waving his hand once to dismiss the fire. mingyu pouted.

"but..." mingyu started, only to get cut off once again. "the—"

"GUYS! GUYS!" junhui's voice interjected, coming from afar.

oh dear. what now?

"wonwoo went back to earth."

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