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minghao was a frail-looking drummer, who fed on jisoo's instant ramen supply and energy drinks. jisoo didn't know, honestly, that he can put up a fight.

"well then." minghao slightly bowed—giving kaehee an ample amount of time to start shooting arrows at the human.

minghao moved around, dodging all of the arrows kaehee shot at him. the drummer climbed up the set of stairs, which kaehee mistook as a cowardly action.

kaehee's hair was blown out of her face by the wind, as she laughed. "come back down here, junhui's lover. i have a good ai—"

minghao jumped down, plunging his spear onto the ground, of the same manner as the god of luck had done. the impact fazed kaehee for a while, the plunge attack releasing some ohrian energy from the spear. wasting no time to talk, minghao dashed towards kaehee, and pierced through her flesh using the spear's sharp tip.

"ouch, human." kaehee mumbled, slapping the spear out of his hands. it broke into two pieces, but minghao didn't care. he flipped backwards, to avoid any upcoming attack. he injured her once, and that was good already. "you are quite skilled, though you don't talk. how impressive."

minghao shrugged. "talking is for the weak."

ouch, jisoo thought.

the two indulged themselves into another fighting match. kaehee expected minghao to get less good without a weapon, but he dodged and attacked the same. his kicks even made the god wince! what is he, another god or something?!

seungcheol didn't join the fight yet, seeming minghao a worthy opponent to kaeehe. he, though, had already placed the asylusian energy-imbued cloth on his nape—and was trying to contain his eye from bursting out ohri energy by covering it with his palm.

kaehee was annoyed.

"i have no time to play your games." she states, jumping far back, shooting uncountable amounts of arrows at minghao. "you are wasting my time."

"you thought you could kill us easily." minghao. "you cannot."

kaehee yelled in annoyance, dismissing her bow to jump at minghao. she activates yet another core in her, making her inexplicably strong—which honestly made her no match for minghao now. with her new speed, she dashed to minghao and immediately wrapped her fingers around his neck, raising him upwards with one hand.

jisoo narrowed his eyes. kaehee's short tempered, and competitive. typical villain. weak, too. she had to activate another core to get minghao out of his way. wow, minghao op?

(jisoo was op, too. out of place.)

minghao coughed, punching kaehee's arms—but she doesn't budge. "i can win easily if i want to. you want me to use all the cores i have in possession, boy?"

seungchol finally moves away from jisoo. "we're not gonna wait for that to happen."

seungcheol retracts his hand from his eye, and the same, dark light of energy bursted in the room. kaehee had to let go of minghao—who quickly hid under the table, coughing.

kaehee screamed, which was quite a reaction. jisoo stepped back once, eager to watch what was going to happen next with his own eyes. let's see what-

"you witch! demon! do not touch me!" kaehee shrieked, kicking seungcheol in the shin—which had no effect of the latter. seungcheol hits kaehee's skin again with ohrian energy, which annoyed her further. "I SAID, DON'T TOUCH ME!"

kaehee turns her third core on, blasting a harmful amount of asylusian energy to fend off seungcheol. her counter attack affected jisoo and minghao, too, making their heads hurt.

jisoo wa already used to headaches and migraines, so it was kind of okay with him. if you become a writer, you can be like jisoo! you'd have to sacrifice your sleeping schedule, though.

seungcheol and minghao were gasping for their lives on the floor. jisoo was the last man standing. oh god, this feels like high school all over again, when the teacher randomly calls anyone to answer a hard question. now it's jisoo's turn.

fuck. jisoo can't do anything seungcheol can do; he's not blessed with ohrian energy, nor can he do the the tricks minghao did and mimic his abilities. he's most probably the first one who's going to die!

what now?! jisoo just said that he doesn't want to see chan again so soon! divine intervention should be happening now, for fuck's sake! those gods are late again! they should come now to save their damned lovers!

"well, hopefully with you, i wouldn't have to activate more cores." kaehee sighed, turning to jisoo. jisoo's heartbeat fastened its pace. fuck, it's my turn! "you're just a silly little human without any abilities."

sad that she was correct, but anyway: what can jisoo do?! flaunt his mommy milkers?! bench press or something?! lift the potted plants?! jisoo cannot launch a successful physical attack! he has no abilities regarding that!

huh. physical attack.

that's it! jisoo's eyes widened in enlightenment. he doesn't have to fight kaehee physically, of course! he was a writer.

what the fuck jisoo, how does that connect the dots, you may ask? not only is being a writer his only strength, it is an ability with lots of perks with it.


"what about you? you're the god of music and song. pfft. i understand why you stole the cores of the other gods now. because what the frick, music and song? what you gon' do, play music in bars and inns?" jisoo laughed, expression as if he was waiting for kaehee to laugh as well. "the kid you killed, chan? remember him? he did exactly that. can he replace you then?"

"shut up, human. you think mind games are going to work on me?" she retracted her bow, crossing her arms instead. phew.

"mind games?!" jisoo laughed louder, clutching his belly. "what do you mean? i am genuinely curious. why the hell are you a god? chan can do more than you can. without any core. so tell me: what's your purpose? unite everyone using music or something?"

kaehee smirked. "to rule the universe and beyond. now, shut it because—"

"aww, you wanna rule the universe now because you've been oh so oppressed your whole life that now you're doing this in return? well, think of what you actually were in the first place. you're useless. if i was a god, i wouldn't think you're relevant. i'm sure that's what thr other gods thought too." jisoo smiled, eyeing the two who were already recovering from the hits.

they better shield jisoo if kaehee attacks. jisoo ain't gaslighting kaehee for free. starting fee is a thousand dollars.

kaehee shrieked, being annoyed, as always. "won't you shut up, human?! you don't know anything about me!"

"oh. oh." jisoo raises his eyebrows. "'i don't know anything about you'? just by looking at you, i understand what's going on."

"you do not. humans are stupid and blind, so you would not be able to understand me." kaehee summons her bow again. damn it, if he gets hit by the bows, jisoo's gonna set the beyond on fire. "now you must perish."

"aww. unloved. unhappy. narcissist. refuses to admit her wrongs, and is not relevant at all. guess what? life is hard, even if you're a god. it's not their fault you were born a useless god, anyway. why take it out on them? you should go look at the mirror and take it out on yourself. you should've never been born." jisoo spat. "also, do us all a favor and kill your clones. their faces are killing me. they're so ugly. they take after their master."

kaehee shoots a sure fire arrow at jisoo's head—which misses by an inch, wounding jisoo's earlobe instead.

"poor you. you even have to use another god's core to be better at aiming." jisoo laughed, wiping off the blood from the fresh cut on his ear.

"suck it up, kaehee."

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