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"oh dear. are you alright, doll?" jeonghan inquired, watching jisoo walk out of the loo. the god then suddenly turns his gaze to seungcheol, angrily groaning. "love, you are not helping!"

the handsome prince (jisoo, you have to stop please he has a name—) who was previously cheering and chanting 'go little human go!' from the other side of the loo's door now was sulky. "what? i'm trying to provide quality service, jeonghan!"

jisoo's ordeal is done! finally! wait, though, if jeonghan loved jisoo having a bad mood, would he have eternal diarrhea—?

"i'm all good! can i go back to my room now? i have to give chan a call. and then write." jisoo jerked his thumb towards the door of his room. jeonghan nods, and seungcheol acts indifferent. "thanks!"

"please do make sure you have time for tea at six o' clock!" jeonghan shouts, and seungcheol huffed. jisoo showed them a thumbs up, and then he immediately dials chan's phone number as he enters his room.


"hello, is this the forensics team? is hong jisoo really dead? well, i guess he really is because i'm using his car right now and i'm on my way to drive off a cliff!" chan answered the phone.

i knew it! this little rascal will always do something ridiculous behind jisoo's back; the most minimal one being pursuing a writing career to beat jisoo, and the most less logical one being a scripted prank youtuber.

"what did you do this time?!" jisoo sighed, hearing several things falling from the other line. "i hope you passed your midterms, kid!"

"well, i hope you pass away!"

"i'm not passing away anytime soon!"

"you weren't answering my calls," chan started, tone becoming serious. aww, wittle chan mwisses his older cousin? jisoo wanted to laugh. "i was seriously worried. anyways, now that i know you're alive, i'm hanging up."

"doll!" jeonghan suddenly enters the room, followed by his scary pet bulldog who closed the door. (sorry, jisoo apologizes for calling seungcheol that.) "we wanted to know—ooh, oh, seungcheol!"



"BYE I'LL CALL AGAIN SOON!" jisoo panickedly cut chan off, shutting his phone off.

shit. now chan heard jeonghan's cute little endearment and seungcheol's annoying shout! the tone-deaf bassist actually thinks jisoo pulled two handsome boyfriends! well, jisoo hates to break it to everyone, the answer is no. who would like to date someone who just had explosive diarrhea?!

chan isn't a person who likes to gossip  (because once their homophobic parents and uncles know about their rainbow asses they're gonna get sent to conversion therapy), but he's a bully. chan will probably bring up jisoo having 'boyfriends' everytime.

jisoo bets that if he drops something once out of accident, chan will say 'ah, that's how it is if you have boyfriends, huh?'. and if jisoo denies, will that make a difference? no. probably not. if jisoo heard someone call chan 'doll' too, he'd believe chan had a romantic partner!

it'd actually be more believable if it was chan who had a boyfriend. would you believe jisoo if he told you he had a boyfriend, let alone two immortal boyfriends? no.

well, if you digress, let him ask you again: would you date a guy who's a ticking poop time bomb who specializes in writing fanfiction about himself and two other immortals and plans on publishing it? no, right?

"you silly little boy, the little human was still speaking to someone!" jisoo hears seungcheol say. what, was jisoo standing here thinking for a long time?! "through that.. foolish little device."

"dear, i believe it's called a 'phone'." jeonghan readjusts his scarf, giggling. seungcheol crossed his arms. "we didn't know, so we were probably not too bothersome."

"we are being bothersome by staying in his room while he is having a word with someone," seungcheol shrugged at jeonghan, raising his eyebrows. jeonghan looked convinced.

cute. they are both cute. chan was correct. jisoo is now dead.

"my love, you're referring to jisoo as 'him' now! you're growing closer to the doll-like human now, am i wrong?" jeonghan teased, and both jisoo and seungcheol blushed.

"no i am not—ah! see, he had been observing us the whole time!" seungcheol points an accusing finger at an offended jisoo. hey, handsome prince, if you want to gossip, do it behind jisoo next time! "sorry to intrude. we are out of earl grey tea."

"yes, we were wondering if green tea is alright with you? we do not want you to have... whatever you had earlier today." jeonghan adds, snickering. jisoo's mouth was agape in shock—but joins in the laughter.

(special shout-out to seungcheol, who jisoo saw was laughing too. he should do that more often!)

"yeah, yeah, green tea doesn't make my stomach upset." jisoo states, laughing. "is the get-together finally happening now? i'll wear a dress!"

jeonghan was the one most delighted amongst the three of them. he was rapidly clapping, which reminded jisoo of a seal. "oh, goodie! can i doll you up, doll?" the god laughed louder, amused by his own jokes.

damn it, slap yourself, jisoo! your smile looks utterly ridiculous right now! "yeah, sure."

"alright, you two have fun. i'll watch the pie and make tea. shall i prepare anything else?" seungcheol asks, eyeing both the writer and the god. he talks again when he meets gazes with jisoo. "little human! no funny business, understood!"

"yes, cheol!" jisoo answered firmly, raising a stiff hand to salute to him. jeonghan laughed terribly loud at the writer's antics, while seungcheol was not amused at all.


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