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"question: do you guys have no house?!" seungcheol turns his head to the door, watching the band kids pile up in the foyer as they arrive at the apartment. "why must you always being ruckus in this household?"

"you have privileges because your boyfriend is the owner of this house, huh?" junhui blows a raspberry, kicking his shoes off. he plops on a bean bag. he probably snorted crack, jisoo guessed. "fuck ya'll."

wait, speaking of junhui, jisoo heard from his boyfriends that junhui created asylus, and the universe. woah. jisoo thought he'd never acknowledge junhui as an author—a great and bad one at that.

"junhui, you created everything existing, right?" jisoo inquired, sitting up from his slouching position. junhui nods at him, proud of his creations. "why?"

"what—okay, i understand where you're coming from, but," junhui sat down, crossing his legs comfortably. "i didn't create asylus. i was only roaming around that world with fellow gods, until we decided to create a population and multiverses. asylus is the first civilization i started, and it was a butterfly effect from there."

"you didn't answer my question."

"we created worlds and lives for.... fun, i guess."

for fun. jisoo has been seeking for the meaning of his existence for years, and it was just because a couple of gods were bored. thanks, though, now jisoo doesn't have to go all 'to be or not to be' when he thinks about life. because, the mighty fucking god of creation and destruction said it was just for fun.

anyways, jisoo can have all the fun in life now. he's an immortal, and he has a lot of stupid things to do in mind. like sky diving, but without the parachute. sounds fun, right?! free from restraints, like a bird!

(jisoo is pretty sure he'll be 'flying high' too after executing that dumb sky diving idea.)

"what do you boys want to eat for dinner?" jeonghan stood up from his seat, neatly pushing the mittens he made aside. "i'm going to cook now."

come on! why does jeonghan and seungcheol keep doing everything?! it's kinda making jisoo embarrassed because it shows that all of the humans are abled men who cannot do anything at home because they're basically useless! these kids, meanwhile, take it to their advantage shamelessly—which jisoo hates! his boyfriends are not maids, so no! (insert an angry emoji.)

"i want to eat—"


a sudden door slam takes everyone's attention, which gave them quite a scare.

"i'm curious. do you guys eat asylusian meat? specifically; an asylusian's meat?"

at the door, there was a hot wonwoo in clown clothes dragging behind a.. a body(?!) behind him, and he was staining jisoo's expensive carpet with goddamn blood. damn it! does wonwoo know how hard blood is to clean?! he better start scrubbing!

it's no fair though! wonwoo's god form looked like he was an antagonist, while junhui and jeonghan got cool forms! foreshadowing, jisoo guessed? foreshadowing that wonwoo got a big dong—

chan stood up from his seat abruptly, pointing at whatever wonwoo was dragging behind him. "you walked here with a corpse?! what—okay, did you go on a rage because they didn't like your funky clothes?"

"i might do that someday, but not today." wonwoo laughed, heaving as he dropped the legs of whoever that thing is on the floor. "nobody saw me carry him though... lucky!"

"mister bag of luck, you cannot just casually bring in a dead body here!" jisoo reprimands, concerned. what did jisoo do wrong to attract weird people into his apartment? is it because he wrote furry smut at 15? "get that out!"

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