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jeonghan and wonwoo were severely injured, and the only thing that kept them alive was their cores. this was the time when seungcheol started blaming himself, instead of celebrating their victory.

asylusian energy touching his marking is only supposed to elicit uncontrollable ohrian energy blasting out of his right eye. now, when the three cores of the gods came in contact with his marking, it elicited the strongest and most powerful burst of ohrian energy he has ever done in his whole life.

that being said, he was also emitting strong ohrian energy from other parts of his body because of the overload—killing the cores of jeonghan, wonwoo, and kaehee.

jeonghan had collapsed on jisoo, who was extremely worried and panicky. seungcheol ran to them—which he wasn't supposed to do. it was his fault that jeonghan was in this state.

"love," seungcheol shakily muttered, hesitating whether to put his hands on his lover's cheeks. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. i didn't—"

"hush," jeonghan put a finger on seungcheol's lips, while leaning on joshua's chest. "i am tired, cherry. let me rest, will you?"

"yeah, cheollie, then you can heal him later, just like how you did back then. right, jeonghan?" jisoo smiled at his lover in his arms, whose eyebrows knitted, smiling sadly at the writer. "huh?"

jisoo knew it would come to this point, but he was not going to be pessimistic. that's what jeonghan always told him, right? 'don't be pessimistic.' be a man of your words, jeonghan!

"i'm not going to make it." jeonghan mumbled, and seungcheol shuddered in fear. "wonwoo might. do not waste your energy on me."

"no! i did this already eons ago. i still know how to do it. i'd do it again to save you, my love. come on. do not say such things. do you not know how strong i am? i will help you. we can live altogether, with or without a core." seungcheol exclaimed, looking into jeonghan's eyes.

jeonghan shook his head gently, which broke his lovers' hearts.

"hannie, don't be pessimistic," jisoo told, makinn jeonghan laugh a little. "i still have some money, some resources. i will find us a nice little place to settle in, then we can bake, write, plant, cook, bathe, wear cool clothes, and disconnect from the world."

"it sounds like a good plan, 'soo," jeonghan replied, looking up to him. "but i think you two have to do that without me."

there were sniffles and tears that they weren't able to supress, and jisoo could hear his heart completely breaking into pieces. when it was crushed the first time, jisoo could still suffice. but this time... jisoo doesn't know what to do. he will have to attend a funeral for three people out of six that he had.

"jjongie, jeonghan, love, dear," seungcheol starts, listing all his endearments for his lover. "you were my first and greatest love. if you do not allow me to try to heal you... then it cannot be helped. i respect your decision."

jisoo didn't want to agree with seungcheol; but he doesn't want them to fight here. his grip on jeonghan tightened.

"why?" jisoo asked. "why are you choosing death, jeonghan?"

"because i know it is, jisoo. i'm sorry. i cannot do anything to prevent it, nor can seungcheol or you." jeonghan replied, reaching his hand out to hold jisoo's face in his hand. he does the same to seungcheol with his other hand. "my time, as god of beauty and love, is over."

"i love you, jeonghan." seungcheol muttered. his eyes were as good as a blurry pair of glasses. "i will always do. i didn't get to accomplish what i wanted to do today, but someday i will, and i will dedicate it to you."

"we didn't get a lot of time together in this life, but next time, we will. i know we will, jeonghan." jisoo sighed, looking at the god lovingly. "love.... is a berry burst pie. we got the wrong recipe this time, but we'll perfect it the next."

"i will look forward to that, doll, cherry." jeonghan mumbled. "dearest lovers of mine. why are you two so beautiful? it makes me sad. i do not want to be sad, for i am happy to die in the arms of the two people i loved the most.

"live, jisoo, seungcheol. i am eternally grateful for your presence in my life."

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