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"HYUNG AND HYUNG'S BOYFRIEND #2!" chan frantically slapped seungcheol and jisoo's legs, waking them up angry. oops. "YOUR OTHER BOYFRIEND IS TURNING BATSHIT CRAZY! TOWARDS MY BOY—BANDMA— FRIEND!"

"b-boyfriends?" jisoo stuttered, creasing his eyebrows. stop acting like a baka please i beg— "also, hannie turning crazy?! stop lying, chan. you failed that lie detector test game every time."

"but it's true!" chan protested, panicking. "he's mad against junhui! he's doing a boss transformation! stop him using the power of love or something!"

"ONLY SEUNGCHEOL AND JEONGHAN ARE BOYFRIENDS, CHAN!" jisoo yells, throwing his plushie at chan's face. "but anyway, let's check. cheol?"

'cheol?', says jisoo, after denying about being boyfriends with the two immortals. very good, jisoo! looks like you would fail the lie detector test game as well!

"'m still sleepy," seungcheol sat up, rubbing his eyes. now is not the time to say that seungcheol is cute, but jisoo just wants to say that seungcheol is cute. "but ok. i've heard that name once. wanna see."

"wanna see?! stop him! you can't just 'want to see' and not stop him!" chan clicks his tongue, grabbing jisoo's wrist. jisoo grabs the drowsy seungcheol along with him, before chan started dragging them downstairs.

oops. chan was right.

jeonghan looks like a final boss right now, and woah! all the dead plants are alive again! jisoo chuckled lightly under his breath. but hey! who would've thought that jeonghan can get angry like this?

jisoo needed to stop jeonghan, but how? jisoo didn't know how to write hurt and comfort. all jisoo knows is pain and angst. and that's what his readers know too.

well, jisoo could act like a complete pick me, saying 'this is not you' (insert a pleading face after) and it could work but jisoo can't risk gettinng strangled by chan's revived plants and die. well, if jisoo was angry, what would he do to calm himself down? joke about it?

(it seems like we cannot make a joke to lighten up the mood right now, jisoo!)

just when jisoo was going to turn to seungcheol for help, the sleepy immortal slips on a plant's stem and falls on his back. jisoo gasped, crouching down to help seungcheol up. "oh no!"

"ouchie. do not remember when plants grew very long," sleepy seungcheol states, grumpily sitting on his bum when jisoo helped him up. his eyes were still closed. maybe that's why his dumb ass tripped. "go back to bed. come with me, little human."

seungcheol pulls jisoo's index finger with his big ass hand three times. man, if you want jisoo to do that for you, maybe fix how you use force first? you have muscles. huge muscles, seungcheol, use it on jisoo.

(—to persuade him to get back to bed together. jisoo says that this sidenote is for you.)

jeonghan must've heard the sound of seungcheol slipping and falling, because he turned around and dropped the attack he was going to carry out towards junhui supposedly. as if he was seungcheol's mother, jeonghan crouches down and cups seungcheol's face.

i... what?! jisoo was confused. was it aegyo that won jeonghan over?! what the fuck?

"oh no! i'm sorry, dear. i'll turn the plants back," jeonghan said, voice almost pitched twice higher. on cue, the plants he revived shortened to manageable lengths, and chan was just happy his plants were alive again. "are you hurt? i'm sorry, love. i'll help you get back to bed."

"i knew cheol would calm you down." jisoo uttered, surprised. "but i didn't think he'd have to do something cute. you're surprising, hannie."

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