The Forth Direction

Comenzar desde el principio

Adam was sure that none of that was under their own power.

Something was trying to figure out how they worked.

"Sir, Lord Celex and his ship have arrived."

Adam turned in his seat, "Make contact and send him the footage."

They did as told and an image of the angry little creature appeared on screen just to his left. He was looking at something off of camera and Adam didn't both him for the time being. He was now pretty good at reading the expressions of Celex, though it was particularly helpful that the little creature had picked up the occasional human mannerism.

He frowned pulling his ears flat to his head, "Just like the palace." He muttered

Adam turned to the side to look out the viewing screen, to where he could just see Lord Celex's ship floating not so distantly.

If there was one ship in the universe that could rival the majesty and power of the omen, it was the emperor's ship.

Certainly it was more pleasing than his own ship, with sharp sweeping lines and organic shapes. The thing might as well have been a floating castle, reminding Adam that, in space aerodynamics did not matter, and you can build and fly whatever the hell you want.

The emperor might as well have been piloting a crystal palace.

It was actually probably more impressive than the omen, but Adam wasn't yet ready to admit that.

Not to mention, it was rumored that this was the ship that lord Celex had used to destroy an entire planet and everyone on it.

That rumor was, of course, unconfirmed.

"There are no signs of..... life on this ship." His hesitation made Adam sure that he was having similar thoughts.

"What do you suggest."

"Destroy it of course. Whatever that thing is doing.... I have a feeling ti is trying to learn more about the constructs with which it is playing, and if that is the case, than I don't want it getting bigger and more powerful , or honor forbid, communicating with others of it's kind."

That was a good point.

"Do you suggest using...." Adam paused trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. This was no time to feel excited about blowing something up, but there was still a small part of him that couldn't help it.

"I would trust nothing else to destroy it completely."

Adam nodded stiffly to hide his absolute glee as he turned to Sunny, "Ready the void cannon."

Did he pee himself a little saying that?




To be fair, Sunny seemed almost as excited as he was as she called down the culex to ready the weapon.

The void cannon had been a gift from Lord Celex during the Omen's construction, and had been installed by his own team of workers once Adam had agreed that he would employ a team of Celex to work it.

He wasn't entirely sure how the cannot was supposed to work, and he was pretty sure that the emperor wanted to keep it that way.

Overhead alarms began to blare all across the ship, and he felt the vibration in the floor as the massive gun was slotted into place with a deep booming noise that echoed throughout the ship.

"Void cannon deployed, preparing to fire."

Adam slipped into the command chair, forced to unlock a series of codes before he could even trigger the gun.

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