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"Hyunjin!!" Seungmin got up from his seat and rushed to where Hyunjin was, followed by Jeongin, Changbin and Felix.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" Seungmin said and hugged him.

Hyunjin ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The crowd of audience started cheering. Seungmin's cheeks turned red and he hid his face behind his hands, Hyunjin grabbed him by his waist and tilted his head to kiss him. The excited screams got louder as they connected their lips. Seungmin's heart beat got faster and faster by every passing second, not only they were kissing in public, they were kissing in front of the whole school which made him shy. They parted and glanced at the crowd which was still excited.

"Hey hey shall we all go out for dinner to celebrate?" Jeongin suggested.

"Yes! Good idea" Seungmin replied.

They all headed to a restaurant nearby. Felix and Jeongin succeeded in convincing Minho to come with them despite his constant denials. But as they took their seats, Minho realised that it wasn't a bad idea after all. Reason no. One- he was hungry and the aroma of the food smelled delicious and reason no. Two- he was sitting beside Jisung, now what could be better than that.

During their basketball practices Minho didn't get the chance to talk to Jisung much since he usually only talked to Hyunjin, Chan and his other friends. The only time they talked was to discuss the game. Now, however, he thought about trying to talk to him but unfortunately he was busy telling a joke to others, Minho was happy that he was atleast able to sit next to him. Minho didn't react to the joke much, he wanted to pretend like he didn't care. Hyunjin laughing and having a fun time irritated him so he only focused on the food.

"Hey Jisung, didn't you say you'd win against us? Who's the loser now?" Hyunjin started.

"Well I would've won if I had the ball with me but Minho had it and he didn't pass it to me" Jisung tried to defend himself "otherwise we would have surely won"

"I was faster than him and snatched the ball, poor Minho's reflexes weren't that fast" Hyunjin said in a mocking tone.

Minho looked up at him with fierce eyes, he was stopping himself from not smashing his face.

"You should've seen Minho, it was funny the way he was looking at me while dribbling the ball as if he'd eat me up alive, so while he was busy glaring at me I snatched it and shot the ball right into the basket and poor Minho wondered what the heck just happened" Hyunjin laughed.

Minho gave him a death glare.

"Oh look look that's exactly the way he was staring at me" Hyunjin laughed "keep glaring and I'll keep winning" Hyunjin said and smirked.

Minho smashed his fist on the table and left the restaurant while accidentally knocking a glass of water which was kept on the table causing it to fall down and shatter into pieces.

"Hyunjin!" Seungmin exclaimed


"You shouldn't have said that" Seungmin said, his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

He rushed after him while the others looked at him with worried expressions.

"Dang it! This guy only knows how to ruin mood" Hyunjin said, annoyed.

Seungmin found Minho in the street, his back facing him. He walked up to him and kept his hand on his shoulder. Minho flinched and looked back.

"What? Why are you here?" Minho asked, his face was twisted in anger and agony.

"Why did you leave?" Seungmin asked.

"I can't stay at the same place with that guy anymore"

"Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked.

Minho nodded "I'm sick of him, absolutely sick of him!"

"Why? Minho he was just joking, nothing else. He didn't mean any harm, it wasn't intentional. Why do you get mad at small issues?"

"Not just now! I've been suffering from way too long! And I just can't take it anymore!" Minho yelled, his voice echoing in the dark and empty street.

"What do you mean?" Seungmin didn't understand at all.

"First he stole Jisung! Then you! And now the rest of them too! I just can't watch things getting stolen from me like this!" His voice seemed like he might cry. "I left because I've reached my limit and if I had stayed for a longer time my fists would've talked before my mouth could"

"Can you please explain? I don't get a thing you're saying!" Seungmin was yelling too now.

Minho regretted saying that but now that the words have come out of his mouth he couldn't stop himself from letting all the anger he has hid in himself out.

"Jisung and me used to be best friends before high school started. I ..liked him a lot but he didn't knew that. But in high school Jisung started spending more time with Hyunjin, he was fascinated by Hyunjin's 'bad boy activities'. He eventually joined Hyunjin's gang and abandoned me. He stopped taking to me, pretending like I never existed" teardrops were building up in Minho's eyes but he tried not to cry. He dared not show his weak side to anyone, not even to Seungmin. "You probably don't know this because we became friends in high school, you, Jeongin, Felix and me. I hate him, he has always been the popular one, the loved one even though everyone knows that he is bad, and he stole the one person I loved the most. Then he stole you, my closest friend and then Felix and Jeongin too. And now he won the game as well. He has always won over me, he has won everything"

Seungmin was shocked to hear this, in his entire two years of friendship with him, he never knew Minho had this secret. He never told any of them that he loved Jisung. Seungmin was still recovering from the shock when Minho continued, he certainly wasn't done yet.

"A couple of months ago, I put drugs in Hyunjin's bag and pretended like I found them and informed the teacher, hoping that now he might be forced to transfer school but no, I was wrong again since he was only given detention. There's not been a single time I won over him!" A tear drop fell down Minho's cheek

Seungmin felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. He had never even imagined that his best friend could plot something against his boyfriend. He felt his eyes stinging and his hand lifted up to slap Minho.

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