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"He ruined today's lunch break" Seungmin complained while going back to class.

"Yeah I couldn't even eat the cutlets properly" Jeongin said.

"What does he want from me?!" Seungmin who was too busy by his own problem said. "Like giving him lessons isn't enough!"

"He's trying to get on your nerves" Felix replied as a matter-of-factly.

"Well he doesn't even need to try because he's already got on my nerves"

"You should've just let me punch that jerk" Minho said to Jeongin.

"Do you want to go to the principal's office again? Let's try to stay away from him as much as we can" Jeongin said.

Hyunjin came from behind them and ruffled Seungmin's hair before rushing to class with his gang giggling and following him.

"Ahh I'm so done with him!" Seungmin yelled and recieved stares from the teachers and students in the corridor.

"I'm gonna make him regret this" Seungmin said shoving his books in his bag as the school ended.

"Gosh you sound so evil" Jeongin smiled.

"I'll help you" Minho offered.

"What are you gonna do?" Felix asked.

"Well I haven't thought about it yet" Seungmin scratched his head. "But whatever it is, I'm gonna make sure he never messes with us or anyone"

"Wow so you're going to do something evil to the bad boys of the school who not even the gangs of other school can defeat? Damn you've got some hell lot of confidence for that" Jeongin laughed.

"Kid's talking some sense" Felix patted Jeongin's back and Jeongin glared at him "I'm not a kid"

"So we're just gonna sit back and suffer?" Minho asked.

"Yeah we should just report him to the teacher" Seungmin suggested.

"Are you a third grader?" Minho looked at him " who does that huh?"

"Leave it Seungmin you should just go back to your books, this revenge stuff is not your thing" Jeongin said. "See I hate him as much as you do but you need to be  practical about this"

Seungmin turned a little gloomy and looked down at his feet, trying not to show his sadness. Felix kept his hand on his shoulder and said "how about we go to the movies instead?"

"Can't do that, I gotta go to the library with Hyunjin" He replied still staring at his shoes.

"Look now you're sacrificing your happiness for him and for what? You don't need to do this, we can make a revenge plan instead" Minho said

"It's just" Seungmin hesitated a little " I just need to help him for the next exam, get him good grades that's it."

"Yo Seungmin!!" Hyunjin walked over to his seat and put his arm around Seungmin's neck which Seungmin quickly shook off.
" It's time to go~" Hyunjin said right in Seungmin's ear.

Hyunjin threw his bag- which was almost empty as he did not bring any books- to Changbin who caught it with ease. "Carry this for me" Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's arm and dragged him towards the door "C'mon. You know I don't like being late"

They studied physics again, Seungmin trying his best again with Hyunjin understanding little again. It seemed that it would take at least a hundred years of sitting to make him understand physics but to Hyunjin none of it mattered. The only thing important for him was Seungmin and his sweet voice. He could just get lost in it.

Hyunjin found his friends or more like his gang waiting for him outside the library, chatting while sitting on their parked bikes. He did not expect them to be there but it seemed like they made some plans and decided to pick him up from the library on their way.

Happy birthday Hyunjin ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Here's something that I did for him, I just wanted to share it here❤️

Happy birthday Hyunjin ❤️❤️❤️❤️Here's something that I did for him, I just wanted to share it here❤️DO NOT REPOST OR SHARE WITHOUT PERMISSION

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