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They found Felix sitting alone in the classroom with his head on the desk, looking utterly downcast.
"Hey Felix, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to-" Seungmin started to say.

"Don't talk to me!" Felix replied harshly.

"It's all because of you!" Jeongin muttered to Minho.

"I said I'm sorry!" Minho replied.

"Say that to him!"

"Hey Felix I'm really sorry, I promise I won't do it again" Minho said to Felix "Plus those were just cookies, you can probably make more cookies you are good at it"

"You don't understand!" Felix said while still keeping his head on the desk and facing the wall which was beside his desk.

"What do I not understand! You keep on disappearing and ghosting us and now you're getting mad at us for just eating your cookies, we should be the one getting mad at you! You don't even tell us anything!"

"I was going to tell you everything but you just had to ruin things for me" Felix shot back and turned his head to face Minho. By the time they were arguing, the class slowly started to fill with students who were returning from the cafeteria.

Felix picked up his bag and went to seat himself at the back of the class. Before Seungmin could stop him the teacher entered the class and Seungmin had to go back to his seat.

He realised that Felix was sitting pretty close to where Hyunjin's gang sat. In fact they were just sitting beside his seat.

"Wow look how he's enjoying with the enemy"Minho said to Seungmin in the middle of the class. Seungmin turned to look at Felix who was smiling and talking to Changbin and seemed the total opposite of how he looked before.

"This is just too much now" Minho said.

Seungmin didn't reply to him and focused back on the teacher.

After the class ended Seungmin quickly went and sat beside Felix to try to make up with him.

Hyunjin watched Seungmin coming in his direction and said "Shit he's coming this way, what should I do!"

"Quick act natural and try to look appealing" Jisung who was sitting beside him suggested.

"Okay I'm good at looking appealing I can do it" Hyunjin rested his chin on his hand and tried to look charming so that Seungmin would notice him. But Seungmin was too busy convincing Felix to come back and took no notice of Hyunjin.

"Ah I'm so done with Felix, he has never irritated me this much" Minho grumbled as they walked towards their houses after school. Felix had already left without telling them.

"This is all your fault" Jeongin said.

"If only you hadn't ate his cookies, he would still be the happy Felix we know. Honestly I've never seen him this mad, he was always so nice and happy like an angel"  Seungmin said.

"And he was going to tell us something today but because of Minho that didn't happen" Jeongin said.

"Fine! It's my fault! I'm never going to eat his cookies again" Minho too was starting to get mad now.

"We should now think about how to sove this issue" Seungmin said.

"Let's go to his house and try to talk to him" Minho suggested.

"Good idea" Jeongin replied.

"Sorry, can't do it now, I have to go to the library to meet Hyunjin" Seungmin said and started to walk in the other direction towards the library.

"Ahh I hate this guy" Minho said.

As Seungmin walked, he realised that he had completely forgotten about Hyunijn because of the Felix issue, now the thought of facing Hyunjin made him shudder. His mind was racing with all sorts of  possibilities, the possibility of Hyunjin liking him.... Ugh he didn't even want to think about it, it just felt so unrealistic, why the heck would Hyunjin like him. He's probably trying to annoy me Seungmin tried to convince himself.

He pulled open the library door and saw Hyunjin sitting at their regular table. Hyunjin noticed Seungmin and waved at him. Seungmin didn't wave back, he didn't want to walk in but now that he's here he had to face it.

He walked towards Hyunjin

"What took you so long? Do you know how much I waited for you?" Hyunjin said with a lovely smile.

Seungmin didn't reply back, he didn't even wanted to look at him. He quickly and quietly sat down, pretending that he didn't hear him and took out the book from his bag.

"Let's start from where we left off" Seungmin announced.

"Oh wait a second, I need to tie my hair" Hyunjin said and started gathering his hair in a pony while Seungmin hid his face behind his book. He wanted to avoid looking at him and appear non-chalant.

"Hey on a second thought I feel like I should just let my hair down" Hyunjin let go of the hair in his grip "I think I look better with my hair down, what do you think Seungmin?"

Seungmin took one quick glance at him and said "I don't care, do whatever you want to"

"Hmm maybe I should just tie them up, but will I look good?" Hyunjin gathered his hair again "c'mon Seungmin help me out, what should I do?"

Seungmin knew what Hyunjin was trying to do here, he was trying to catch Seungmin's attention on his hair, to make him notice him but of course Seungmin wasn't going to give in.

"I don't know" Seungmin replied without looking up from his book"

"Will you just look at me once?"

"Just do whatever you want to and do it quickly, we don't have the whole day"

"I won't study until you tell me"

Seungmin was irritated by now and he had no other choice to just give in to escape from this. So he looked up at Hyunjin who had a rubber band in his hand and his hair were down and Seungmin could swear that his heart skipped a beat.

"Should I just leave it like this?" Hyunjin asked "or should I..." Hyunjin gathered his hair once again and gripped them tightly to make a half pony "or should I tie them up?"

Seungmin was speechless for a second, there was something about the way he took his hair in his hands and kept his hand in mid air, close to his head, something about the way his front shorter strands of hair slipped from his grip and fell into his eyes and oh his eyes, the way they shined with so much happiness and energy and maybe a little mischievousness- No! He exclaimed in his head, he shouldn't be thinking all this snap out of it!

Seungmin shaked his head and looked back at his book and said "whatever you are comfortable with it"

"Tch you really are of no use" Hyunjin replied "maybe I should just tie them up, it's more comfortable that way"

"Then why the heck you bothered asking me?" Seungmin was really irritated now and on top of it his cheeks were slightly burning which was the major reason of his irritation.

Hyunjin tied his hair and took out a few strands of hair, gave them a little volume using his hands and said "yeah I'm done, let's start now"

Seungmin sucked in air, let it out and tried his best to concentrate on the lesson. All the while Hyunjin kept playing with his hair and Seungmin tried his best to ignore him. And the evening went by.

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