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"Wow, cool" Hyunjin remarked as they entered the restaurant. This restaurant was far from the main city, so the boys wanted to leave early and that's why they waited outside the library to leave as soon as possible.
The restaurant was pretty fancy, with a lake view and all.
They seated themselves on the opposite side of the entrance so that they were directly facing the lake.

"This is it! This is totally my type of place" Jisung said as he observed people drinking and smoking.

"Want one?" Chan asked as he handed out a cigarette to him.

"Of course!"

"Hey pass me one too" Hyunjin said.

"Let's order drinks" Changbin suggested.

"Dude you're underage" Jisung reminded him.

"Underage huh? Watch and learn kiddo" Changbin smirked and called the waiter "get us four drinks"

"I'm sorry but we do not serve alcohol to high school students" The waiter politely replied.

"What do you mean high school students?! Do we look like we're from high school?"

"Yes you do because you're wearing a school uniform and it even says the school's name"

"We're not, we are just cosplaying them, we had a play in university today and we came here in the costume"

"I'm still not convinced"

Changbin lifted up the shirt from his arms "you see this? No high schooler can have arms as fine as mine"

"See kid, I've told you already and Im telling you again that I won't be getting you any alcohol. If you want anything else tell me, otherwise I'll leave, I've got other orders to serve" and with that he left making Changbin feel sheepish.

"God, sit down" Chan laughed "you just made a fool of yourself" he said to a still-standing-and-embarassed-changbin.

"What did I tell you? He's a good source of entertainment" Hyunjin laughed "this is why he's in my gang, for this and for his strength" Hyunjin patted Changbin's arms.

Changbin pouted at them.
"Don't worry I've got a couple of bottles in my bag" Chan said.

"You've hid them in your bag!" Jisung exclaimed.

"Yeah, he's always got at least one in his bag" Hyunjin replied before Chan could.

"Wow, you never told me!" Jisung said " how did you get them though?"

"I stole them from my dad's office"

"Wow you're really cool" Jisung gave Chan a thumbs up, Chan smiled proudly in response.

They ended up ordering noodles and fried rice.

"So, how's it going with Seungmin?" Jisung asked while stuffing his face with fried rice "made any progress?" He said with his cheeks all puffy because of the rice.

"Nah, not yet" Hyunjin replied "he's playing hard to get but it won't be long till I kiss his pretty lips"

"He doesn't look interested in you at all though, on the contrary it seems like he hates you" Chan said.

"Why wouldn't he hate a person who messed with his friends?" Changbin said between slurping noodles and drinking sprite.

Hyunjin ignored him "He's not an easy catch and that's why I want him even more. Let's see how long he can play this game of ignoring me, I'm the Hwang Hyunjin after all, no one can resist my amazing visuals" He flipped his hair dramatically.

"You said you'd pay him, right?" Chan spoke up suddenly and solemnly.


"You promised Seungmin that if he teaches you, you'll pay him"

Hyunjin tried to recall it and said "Ah, yeah, I did"

"Where are you going to get the money from?"

Hyunjin hadn't thought about it, he hadn't thought about it at all. In the excitement and eagerness he had forgotten this promise. Hell no, he hadn't even thought about it before saying it, he just said it on impulse, in the the necessity of that moment. The only thing in his mind- and still in his mind- seemed to be the desire to make Seungmin his, even if it meant paying him for the time he spent with him, paying him with the little or no money he had.

Happy third anniversary to stray kidss!!❤️❤️❤️

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