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"you did what?" Chan laughed.
Chan, Changbin, Jisung and Hyunjin all four of them were sitting at the stairs in school again. Hyunjin was recalling yesterday's events.

"Out of all of the things you could've asked for, you asked him to accompany you to a café!" Changbin laughed out loud.

"It was a date!" Hyunjin justified.

"Only one sided" Chan reminded him.

"You should've asked him to date you instead" Jisung suggested.

"I can't force him to love me, I want to slowly earn his love" Hyunjin said.

"Ok fine" Chan tried to stop himself from laughing because Hyunjin kept glaring at him. "Was that fake couple thingy part of your plan? Did you already see that offer or something?"

"No, it was a complete coincidence. I'm glad things worked in my favour" Hyunjin replied. "Damn y'all should've seen the look on his face when I passed the test, I just wanted to take his small face and just kiss him"

"Why don't you pin him to the wall and make out with him instead?" Jisung said.

"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO FORCE HIM. So I was saying that he looked so proud and happy, I just want to make him that happy forever"

"Someone bring our previous baddy Hyunjin back please. I can't watch him like this" Changbin said.


"I'm so happy to see you study this diligently, I hope you'll maintain that and get good grades in the upcoming exam" Seungmin said to Hyunjin as they were leaving the library.

"Gosh I'm not doing that again, it almost killed me" Hyunjin replied.

"You can't just-"

They were interrupted by a deep harsh voice calling Hyunjin. They turned sideways to face a heavily built, bulky man. Standing behind him were atleast ten more dangerous looking boys. He seemed to be the leader of some gang.

"You have done quite a good job in hiding from me since a couple of weeks but we finally found you" He spoke in an arrogant tone.

"Dang it" Hyunjin muttered under his breath and tried to appear stronger than he was feeling inside.

"I can't believe you decided to hide behind your boyfriend! Do you think this weak boy can save you from us?" He chuckled. The other boys laughed out loud.

"Excuse me sir, you've been mistaken because he's not my boyfriend" Seungmin said.

"Shut up! I'm not in the mood to hear nonsense" He shouted "you, Hwang Hyunjin, can't run away from me anymore, it's time you finish what you started! And if you don't, then your boyfriend will pay the price"

Hyunjin held Seungmin's hand. "Hey what are you doing?" Seungmin whispered to him.

"Seungmin, run!" Hyunjin said and sprinted away, dragging Seungmin along with him. The entire gang chased after them.

Seungmin and Hyunjin ran past streets, shops, trying to get away from them until they came across a crossroad and took the rightward road and ducked behind a dustbin.
The others got confused and ended up taking the opposite road.

It was getting dark and the silence filled the street along with their gasps.

"You owe me an explanation" Seungmin said.

"I will. I'll explain everything" Hyunjin said and gasped some more.

"Who were those people and how do you know them?" Seungmin demanded.

"They are a gang from some other school. I once offended the leader by insulting him just a little, okay maybe more than a little and challenged him to a fight" Hyunjin explained.

"That's ridiculous, why would you do that?"

"Hey I didn't knew that he had this huge gang, I thought he was alone and me and Changbin could easily beat him"

"You had to be kidding me! And why the heck does he keep on calling me your boyfriend?"

"Cause he thinks you're my boyfriend"

"What?! Why? Is that because of what happened yesterday?"

"I don't know. But he might try to hurt you."

"Gosh what kind of mess did I get myself into" Seungmin cried. "It's all your fault!"

"Anyways I'll have to take care of you now, I can't just leave you alone anymore so from now I'll always accompany you to wherever you go"

"God! Why is this happening to me! I just wanted to be kind and teach a student in distress why am I being punished like this!" Seungmin cried some more.

"Will you stop being over dramatic! Now let's go"

They walked back to the library carefully, to get Hyunjin's motor bike as he insisted to drop Seungmin home.

"No thanks, I'll walk" Seungmin tried to refuse one last time.

"It'll be dangerous, they still might be looking for us, plus it's getting dark"

"I'm more afraid of you than them" Seungmin muttered.

Hyunjin started the bike before Seungmin got on it, he was being careful to keep some distance between him and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin's hand slowly crept towards Seungmin's, he grabbed it and wrapped it around his waist.
"Hold on tight or you'll regret it" He said before racing his bike at full speed. Seungmin found himself clinging to Hyunjin as he wrapped his other hand around him too. Hyunjin was extremely fast and the distance between them neglected as Seungmin was pushed against Hyunjin's back by the velocity. He still managed to reach home safe though.

Monster// Seungmin X HyunjinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat