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The next day at school started with the usual scolding-hyunjin-ritual as Felix called it.
The teacher was yelling at him for not wearing his uniform properly. He was wearing his shirt half untucked and when the teacher questioned him about it he just straight up told her "it's fashion ma'am you won't get it" and then the teacher got mad (naturally).

Seungmin was not in the mood for listening to this bullshit first thing in the calm morning so he just buried his head in his novel, hoping that it would tune out the noise.

"Hey!!" Felix sat beside Seungmin and slapped him lightly on the shoulder making Seungmin say "ouch" in response.

"Stop overreacting" Felix said tilting his head and trying to read the title of Seungmin's novel.

"How did it go?" Felix asked

"What?" Seungmin said looking up.

"Don't act like you don't know what he's talking about" Jeongin said who was sitting behind Seungmin with Minho.

"C'mon spill the tea" Felix said shaking Seungmin's hand.

Seungmin told them or you could say 'spilled the tea' all about the first study session.

"He's so dumb" Jeongin remarked.

"What else do you expect from him" Felix laughed

"Well atleast you're still safe" Minho said.

"Yeah, I was scared he might do something to you" Jeongin said.

"Oh I bet y'all would love to see him beat me or something" Seungmin said in a mocking tone.

"Hey we might be bad enough to secretly steal your chocolates from your bag but we're not THAT bad." Minho said.

"Yeah we're your friends after all" Felix agreed.

"Wait, you steal chocolates from my bag?!" Seungmin said suddenly getting up in shock.

"Oh no we weren't supposed to reveal that" Jeongin said covering his mouth with his hand.

"And I was wondering how I keep losing my chocolates!!" Seungmin said in a low yell.

"Seungmin, I would appreciate if you sit down cause the class is going to start now" the teacher told him.
He immediately sat down while Felix, Jeongin and Minho just laughed and Seungmin gave them a glare before joining them in their laughter.

From the back corner of the class Hyunjin was watching Seungmin dreamily.
"God, he's so cute" Hyunjin said with his chin in his hand and a smile on his face.

"I know, right" Changbin said in a low voice but not low enough, so Chan heard him and said "what?!" In surprise.

"What?" Changbin asked back

"What was that? Who's cute?" Chan asked him

"Uh no one" Changbin blurted out "the wall! Look the wall's cute!" He said pointing at the wall beside Felix and Seungmin's seat.

"What's up with these two honestly?" Jisung asked Chan "they've been acting weird"

"Hyunjin's falling for Mr. Intelligent aka Seungmin but I don't know what's happening to Changbin"

"Guess he's falling for the wall" Jisung laughed.

"Won't be surprised" Chan laughed as well while Hyunjin sighed dreamily.

"Hey Seungmin!" Hyunjin came over to Seungmin who was leaving the building after school ended. "It's time to go to the library"

"Today we're seeing a very rare sight" Jisung said cupping his one hand close to his face like he's holding a mic "Hwang Hyunjin being excited to go to the library"

"A rare sight indeed" Chan agreed.

"Take pictures kids you won't see it again". Changbin said and took out his phone and started clicking pictures.

"Oh shut up y'all" Hyunjin said.

"We'll probably see him getting excited for library pretty often these days because of Seung-" Before Chan could complete the sentence Hyunjin came up to him and slapped his mouth.

"Get lost" Hyunjin said "all of you"

"Yes boss!" Jisung saluted him like an army soldier and started to march towards his motorbike.

"Let's go" Chan said starting his bike and looking extremely hot while doing that. (Don't ask me why I said that I just assumed he would look damn freaking hot on a bike)

"We'll meet you at our 'secret place', okay?"Chan said before speeding off the road and the other two followed.

"Come soon!!" Changbin called out as he left.

"Damn, these people look so cool with their bikes" Jeongin who was mesmerized by the motorbikes said.

"I know, right" Felix fist bumped Jeongin.

Minho immediately gave them a how-can-you-like-the-people-who-beat-us-look. Jeongin gave him the puppy eyes in response.

"It's not working" Minho said and started to walk away.

"Noo wait for us" Felix and Jeongin called from behind.

"So we're going or not" Hyunjin asked Seungmin

"I'd prefer not" Seungmin replied.

"You don't really have a choice"

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