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Seungmin, Minho, Felix and Jeongin were walking to the ground for the P E period.
"Woah it's finally P E, I love it" Jeongin said.

"How can you love P E? I hate it, I hate exercising" Seungmin replied.

"You're weird, go get lost in your books"

" I wish I could, it's hell lot of better than running and catching a stupid ball" Seungmin said and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"What? What happened?" Jeongin asked.

At the corner of the corridor, a boy was standing pushed against the wall and Hyunjin was standing close to him with his one hand resting on the wall beside that boy's head and the other in his pockets. Chan, Changbin and Jisung were standing beside him.

"I told you it wasn't me" That boy was shaking and crying.

"Who was it then?" Who was it if it weren't you!" Hyunjin grabbed him by his collar.

"I-I really don't know"

Hyunjin lifted his hand to punch him but before it could land on the boy's face, he turned his head so only the wall suffered the hit. Hyunjin pushed his hair back and said "you guys deal with him, I've had enough"

"What are you doing here?" Seungmin called out loud. All heads turned towards him.

Hyunjin sighed "Seungmin don't get yourself involved in this"

"I asked what the heck are you doing to that poor boy?"

"Boss do you want me to deal with him too?" Changbin said cracking his knuckles.

"Seungmin please leave" Hyunjin said.

"Kids why are you still here" The P E teacher suddenly came and said. "Downstairs, now"

Seungmin grabbed that boy's hand and left with him and Jeongin. The other four followed behind.

"What took you so long?" Felix asked as they reached the ground.

"Had to deal with a monster" Seungmin replied.

"What?" Minho arched an eyebrow.

"Nothing, just Hyunjin and his gang were harassing him" Jeongin motioned his finger towards the boy "So Seungmin went to save him"

"You didnt have to do that" The boy said to Seungmin.

"It's fine, don't let him bully you next time" Seungmin replied "just report to the teacher"

"Like the teachers would do anything"

"Just tell me then, if you don't want to tell the teachers"

"There's no need, I didn't ask for your help, so next time don't even think about helping me" He went away bumping his shoulder with Seungmin's.

"That's so rude of him" Felix said

"Only a couple minutes ago he was whimpering in front of Hyunjin, now look how arrogant he's acting" Jeongin said

"Don't go around helping people who don't deserve it" Minho said.

Seungmin turned a little sad. He really shouldn't have gotten involved but he's glad he saved him from Hyunijn.

"Why were you doing that?" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin and him were in the library.

"What?" Hyunjin asked.

"Why were you bullying that guy?"

"It's none of your business"

"Violence against a schoolmate is my business, if you assault someone in school then yes it's my business"

"Take a break Seungmin, you don't even know the first thing about this situation"

"I don't care, I just can't tolerate you step on weak people"

"Ok, if that's what you want" Hyunjin sighed. After a pause of a couple minutes he said "hey Seungmin do you remember something about me paying you for this?"

"Yep, you better pay me after this month" Seungmin said without looking up from his textbook."I'm not putting up with your shit for free"

Hyunjin opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediately.

Seungmin noticed that Hyunjin looked a little wistful today as a contrast to his usual bright self. He didn't ask him why even though he wondered what could be the reason. But then he shook his thoughts away because he shouldn't care about this, he shouldn't care about selfish and heartless people.

Monster// Seungmin X HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now