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After that day Hyunjin didn't come to school. Word spread in the entire school that Hyunjin got expelled. Seungmin stopped caring about Hyunijn and tried to forget that he existed. After all, he was nothing but trouble.

Now it had been almost a week since that fight. Seungmin was peacefully walking home, he was just passing by the convenience store when he saw them- the gang. They stopped in front of him.

"Great thing. We couldn't find your boyfriend but we found you instead" The leader said "Now what should we do with you?"

"First of all he's not my boyfriend. We don't have any sort of relationship. He is just someone who used to be in my school" Seungmin replied.

"I could care less about whatever is going on between you two. All I want you to do is to call that jerk here!"

"I'm not doing anything. Let me just go home" Seungmin said and started walking away.

That guy held Seungmin by his collar and said "You either quietly call him here or let me beat the shit out of you until you do it. The choice is yours"

"I'm not doing anything for you"

"So you made your choice" He said and lifted his hand to punch him. Before his hand could hit Seungmin's pretty face, it was stopped by someone else.

"If you have a problem with me then fight me, not him you shit head" It was Hyunjin.

Seungmin lifted his face to see Hyunjin who was directly glaring at the leader.

The leader let go of Seungmin and smirked at Hyunjin. "It took you too long to finally come out of your mouse hole. Now shall we deal with you?"

Hyunjin punched him hard, making him almost lose his balance. His gang members started attacking Hyunjin while some made their way towards Seungmin. When Hyunjin saw Seungmin getting hurt he tried running to where he was despite the many hits that he was recieving. "Stop hitting him! He didn't do anything to you" Hyunjin said as he blocked Seungmin.

"Leave him alone boys. There's no fun in beating a weakling" The leader commanded them. They stopped hitting him at once, kicked him one last time and left.

Hyunjin outraged by this, went completely out of control. His rage made him hit the two boys so bad that they nearly fell unconscious. The leader watching this decided to take lead on the fight and that's when Hyunjin felt the worst pain. The leader's big and hard fist left dark bruises on Hyunjin's face and body.

Just then a loud siren's voice was heard, a police's siren. The guy stopped punching Hyunjin and turned his head in the direction of the sound which was getting louder. They could see the police vehicle approaching.

In the midst of this, Seungmin quickly grabbed Hyunjin's hand and they ran away from there until they found a taxi and got in.

"Are you okay?" Seungmin asked worriedly as he looked at all the bruises on his faces. His lip and cheek were bleeding slightly and his knuckles were badly bruised.
Seungmin'e eyes were filled with tears upon the sight of Hyunjin.

"You didn't have to do it for me. Why did you save me?" Seungmin asked

"Then did you expect me to stand still while I watched them hurt you? When I'm the reason you could've got hurt?"

"No I- I would've saved myself"

"Seungmin I'm- I'm so sorry for putting you through this trouble."

"It's fine. It's not really your fault... And I should thank you for saving me"

Hyunjin smiled at him.

The taxi stopped in front of an old apartment building.

Hyunjin and Seungmin got out.

"Is this where you live?" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin nodded.

They went upstairs. Each step hurted for Hyunjin, he was badly in pain. Seungmin tried to support him by holding his back.

Finally they got inside Hyunjin's apartment. Hyunjin directly went to his bed and lay there. Seungmin found a first aid kit and started applying ointment on Hyunjin's wounds. Hyunjin tried to appear strong even though he was deep in pain.

"I should probably leave now" Seungmin said as he finished treating his wounds. "You'll be okay by yourself right?"

Hyunjin held his arm "Don't go, please" He gave him a pleading look.

"Hyunjin your parents must be getting home and my mum would be worried too-"

"I- I live alone" His voice broke a little.

"Alone? What about your parents?"

"My mum lives in a different town and my dad-"

"What about him?"

"I have no idea where that bastard lives" Hyunjin said with clear hate in his voice.

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