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Seungmin walked back to his house in distress. He kept on debating in his mind and hating himself for feeling the way he was feeling at that moment.
How could I just feel attracted to someone because of their looks! Just because he changed his hairstyle doesn't mean that he changed his personality!
He kept on mentally arguing with himself. He did feel a wave of emotion invade his heart for a moment but of course he shouldn't feel it. He had to suppress it. Cause there's no way he would like someone just because of their looks.
No matter how good he looks he will always be a monster inside, a heartless, selfish monster!
On top of it all, this was the same boy who hit his friends. And there's no way he'd fall for a boy who hurt his friends.


The next day too Seungmin couldn't stop thinking about it. His mind was only filled with it, so when Minho and Jeongin reminded him of their current problem of making up with Felix he suddenly came back to reality.

"Do you have an idea though? How do we do it?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, we came up with a good plan" Minho assured Seungmin.

"Yeah just trust us" Jeongin said.

"So what is the idea?" Seungmin asked eagerly.

"There's nothing much, just copy us" Minho said.

The started walking towards Felix's seat.

"But is this plan going to work?" Seungmin asked with a worried expression, knowing that Felix is not ready to listen to them at all.

"It will"

They walked up to him. Felix was sitting on his seat, he looked up to face them.

"Felix!" Minho and Jeongin said loudly.

"Felix!" Seungmin echoed with some hesitation.

"Hmm?" Felix looked at them with confusion.

"Now kneel!" Minho commanded to Jeongin and Seungmin. Minho and Jeongin knelt to the ground in front of Felix with their hands up.

"What!" Seungmin exclaimed in surprise. Felix was shocked too.

"I said kneel Seungmin! kneel!" Minho yelled back.

"Oh ok" Seungmin knelt with hesitation.

"We're sorry!" Minho yelled and bowed to him, Jeongin bowed too.

"What?!" Seungmin was surprised by this plan and whatever the heck they were doing.

Felix laughed "what are you doing? Oh gosh what's wrong with you?"

"Does this mean he forgave us?" Minho whispered to Jeongin.

"It seems that way" Jeongin whispered back.

"What are y'all doing honestly?" Felix couldn't stop laughing "get up please"

Minho got up, followed by Seungmin and Jeongin.

"What the actual heck was that?" Felix asked

"We were apologising" Minho replied.

"For what?" Felix chuckled.

"For yesterday"

"You didn't have to. I'm not mad anymore I'm actually really happy now, so don't worry about it, and I think I should be the one apologising"

"Hey no!" Jeongin said.

"Nah I think I should. Should I bow too?" Felix laughed.

"No" Seungmin laughed.

"I'm sorry guys that I kept on ghosting you, and I got mad for no reason" Felix said with regret.

"Yeah you better be sorry, you  were even laughing and chatting with the enemy yesterday" Minho said.


"He means Changbin" Jeongin explained.

"Ah.." Felix opened his mouth to speak but closed it immediately. Shit Felix thought.

"Yayy we finally made up" Seungmin cheered.

"Honestly I was so scared to see Felix mad yesterday, he's always such an angel" Jeongin confessed.

"Same" Seungmin agreed.

"So now we know that Felix could get mad too, gotta be careful from next time" Minho said. Felix just laughed.


The school day was coming to an end, Seungmin wondered whether he should discuss the entire Hyunjin-maybe-liking-him thing but then he decided against it. Not only Seungmin wanted to avoid the topic as much as possible, it will only make him uncomfortable.
Plus the foreign feeling that struck him yesterday was too much for him to take so it was better to only avoid it and him.

He dreaded going to the library today, as he feared that those feelings might come back, he even avoided him at school despite the fact that Hyunjin kept on sticking around him and made remarks on him as he roamed the class in his usual bossy way, acting like he owns the place.

But he can't just run away from him forever, believing that those momentary feelings were nothing much, he hardened his heart and went to the library.

While they were studying, Hyunjin suddenly asked Seungmin a question, "Who looks better with black hair, me or Jinyoung?" The jealousy was clear in his voice.

Seungmin was taken aback with the sudden question. "Why are you asking me?"

"Oh well all the girls in school keep on saying that I look very handsome with black hair, even better than Jinyoung" Hyunjin hurriedly tried to come up with a good answer.

What a ridiculous reason Seungmin thought.

"So what do you think, do I look better?" Hyunjin asked.

Seungmin took a clear look at him- he has been avoiding looking at his face directly- thought for some time and said "I don't know"

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow

"I can't really tell, maybe Jinyoung looks better" Seungmin said, lowering his eyes.

"Huh" Hyunjin scoffed "you clearly need an eye checkup"

"You're so self absorbed" Seungmin said "why did you even bother asking me?"

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