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"Seungmin! What brings you here?" Hyunjin asked.

"Since exams are starting from next week, I came here to help you with studies"

Hyunjin pouted "studies? Can we please do anything else other than study?"

"But the exams start from next week and we can't just waste time"

"I know but today let's just chill"

"No" Seungmin said firmly "no time to chill. We'll study today, we can chill after exams"



"Please" Hyunjin pleaded

"If you don't get good grades this time I'm breaking up with you"

"What? We just started dating!"

Seungmin put his arms around Hyunjin's neck and looked him straight in the eyes "I wasted my entire month in preparing you for this exam, I wouldn't want you to fail"

There was a pause for a minute, Hyunjin sighed and said "fine let's study"

"Hey I'm sorry if that came out too harsh, all I meant was that I want you to prove yourself, you too worked hard in studying for this. Don't mess this up"

Hyunjin nodded "you'll be happy with the result"

"Let's start studying then!"

They spent hours trying to revise all that they studied the past month. Hyunjin was obviously not focused and cracked jokes in between but Seungmin tried his best to make him concentrate.

"Ok now I'm gonna ask you questions"

Hyunjin nodded, he was already done with studying.

"This is the last thing I promise" Seungmin said "you'll get a peck for every correct answer"

Hyunjin's face instantly lit up. "You should've told me that sooner" He took the book from Seungmin's hands to revise one last time.
"Ok, done" Hyunjin said after thoroughly revising.

"When was the treaty of Vienna?"

"How the heck would I know?"

"We just studied this!"

"I'm not good at remembering dates"

"Fine then I guess you don't need your pecks"

"Wait I think I remember" Hyunjin put his hands to his forehead and tried to remember "ahhh I can't. Next question please, also make it easy"

"There are no easy questions" Seungmin replied "ok now tell me which country hosted the Vienna congress?"

"I know this one! Austria right?"

Seungmin smiled "correct"

Hyunjin sighed "I almost said Australia"

Seungmin rolled his eyes. He then closed the gap between them and pecked him on his cheek. Hyunjin smiled really wide and before he could put his lips on Seungmin's, Seungmin pulled back and said "next question"

Hyunjin groaned. They continued like this for at least half an hour. Then Seungmin asked the last question and fortunately Hyunjin gave the right answer and he earned his 5th peck but this time Hyunjin succeeded in connecting their lips as well and they kissed for some time before Seungmin left.

Next day, Seungmin came early to Hyunjin's apartment since they had a preparatory leave and they continued studying. Hyunjin surprisingly was serious about his studies because yeah he was scared that Seungmin might actually break up with him.

At evening they practiced their maths problems separately.
Seungmin was concentrating hard when Hyunjin came with some coffee for him.
"Here" Hyunjin handed it to him.

"Thanks" Seungmin smiled.

Hyunjin patted Seungmin's head and said "you're working too hard"

"You should too"

"Yeah I'm trying to"

Seungmin decided to sleep over at Hyunjin's, he informed his mum and she had no problem with it, she trusted Hyunjin and on top of it she liked the fact that Seungmin was helping him study.

It was late night and Seungmin was still studying, he suddenly felt two hands wrapping around his waist, Hyunjin put his head on Seungmin's shoulder and said "you should sleep now, you worked hard enough"

"Yeah just one more question" Seungmin said in a sleepy voice and rubbed his eyes.

"It's enough for today, you can do these tomorrow" he kissed his head, closed the book and turned off the lamp.
He then picked Seungmin up in his arms and laid him on the bed, he proceeded to lay next to him and Seungmin buried his head in his chest.
"Good night Seungmin"

"Good night Hyunjin"

And just like that Seungmin slept in the arms of his love and in the comfort of his chest which now is his safe place.

Y'all I'm sorry for the late update, I was busy yesterday so I couldn't upload this chapter but I promise the next chapter would be on time

Monster// Seungmin X HyunjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora