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Hii !! Thank you for choosing to read this book ! We hope you have a great time.
This book is originally uploaded on our twitter @cherry_bangtan7 . So check it out there also ! There's a lot of teasers and trailers that have been uploaded there.
Now before we start this book make sure to check the trigger warnings :

-heavy angst ❗️
-violence, abuse, depression, death, trauma❗️
- psychological issues❗️

If you're uncomfortable with any of the above warnings we recommend you to not proceed ahead.
Again this is purely a work of fiction and is in no way associated with BTS' real lives.
Don't even think about plagiarising it also because we will find you.

Also this our first time writing so please bear with us and once again we hope you like it and enjoy reading!!!

Let's go!

Before You Go | yoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now