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March 9, 1992

Soft notes floated in the air. A familiar tune made its way to my ears. It was an old room, one without a lot of stuff in it. A big black piano sat in the middle of it. A pair of pale hands were gliding across the keys gracefully.

The hands were playing a tune that felt like home.

"Finally..." someone whispered under their breath.
"Do you get it now?" the owner of the hands asked him. "I do...? Uhh a bit maybe?" came the reply.

"C'mon Jungkook, I've been teaching you this for an hour now!"

"Jungkook...? Isn't that... me? Why is this person calling me?? Do I even know them?" Jungkook thought, puzzled. But, he didn't feel bad about it. In fact, it was strangely comforting. It was as if something inside him was longing to hear his name called by that voice...

He looked up at the pair again... It looked like the same boys from his dream... "Maybe this is a dream too?" he tried to convince himself. But this was all a bit too surreal for him to just be dreaming...

"I'll pay more attention next time, I promise!" the Jungkook in his vision said, trying to sound sincere.
"Sure, let's see" the other boy replied, sighing and shaking his head slightly.

All of a sudden, the vision goes blank. All Jungkook could see was smoke. Thick black smoke coming out of a motel window.

The other Jungkook is frantically running around, his eyes mad with worry. "Yoongi hyung... please... just- please- i..." his desperate screams brough back the pain in his chest.

Jungkook watched as his dream doppelganger stopped and stared at the motel window, his eyes wide with fear. "No.. no... NO!!!"

The boy ran up the motel, towards the room with the window from which the smoke was appearing.

He bangs at the door "HYUNG! OPEN UP PLEASE! I BEG YOU!! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS I BEG YOU COME OUT!!" He tries to break down the door, but to no avail. Tears began streaming down his face.

His body began weakening, but he kept pounding at the door with all his might.

Finally, his effort paid off, as the door came crashing down and majestic flames leaped out. Jungkook watched as the boy dashed into the burning room and stared in horror at the sight before him.

The owner of the hands, who now had a name, Yoongi, lay on a bed in the centre of the room, motionless.

He ran towards the bed, crying "Hyung! Yoongi hyung! Wake up please... I beg you... See I'm here now it's gonna be okay now... Please just wake up...".

His words were drowned by his own tears as he tried in vain to wake the boy, who looked like he was in a deep slumber.

He checked for a pulse and felt a very faint one. There wasn't much time left.

He rubbed the Yoongi boy's hands and feet, trying all he could to get some sort of a positive response. But no. The faint pulse kept declining, until there was nothing left. He knew his hyung was gone. Forever. Never coming back. He saw his entire world shatter before his eyes.

His body gave out. He fell to the side of the bed, expressionless. He stopped and stared at the ceiling. The flames were growing larger and larger by the minute, but he couldn't care less. Tears glistened in his eyes as he lay there without a sound.

And then, he broke into a small sob, that grew louder and louder into a painful cry.

He got up and looked at his hyung one last time. He was smiling. A small, heartbreaking smile. It looked like he was finally at peace. It's what he had always wanted, after all.

His favorite white lighter lay beside him, with the intitials Y.K. scrawled across it. The flames were so huge now, they could engulf them any moment.

The boy cleared his throat, and spoke calmly, trying to fight the pain. He sat next to the lifeless boy and held him.
"Hyung, let's meet in another life. You have to meet me. I'm taking this as a promise." The tears were flowing uncontrollably now.

He gazed lovingly at the boy in his arms- the one who meant everything to him, the one who had given him the strength to live- now lying quiet and cold.

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