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The next day the two went to work, taking any free second to pull each other into a semi private place to make out. It was like they couldn't get enough of each other, which was true, they couldn't. Jisung missed feeling Minhos finger tips on his skin and the way he smelled so heavenly. Minho longed to press his lips against Jisung once again and hold him close.

To everyone else it was plain painful to watch, seeing to the two yearn for each other despite being barely ten metres apart. Seungmin especially was getting tired of the constant PDA. At first it was cute, okay even that was a lie. Seungmin purely just hated any affection others gave their lovers. Something about it irked him, whether it be the fact he was single and felt lonely or the fact he just was not interested.

Seungmin has no longing to sleep with anyone, he found intimacy something he really had no interest in. Sure kissing and cuddling was doable, but putting their genitalia into each other and sharing so much spit was quite gross no offence. It was off putting to even think about doing it. He knew his lack of interests in sex made his appeal to everyone else lessen.

The guy was asexual, and most people had sexual desires. Sure some might put up with it but seungmin was also slightly insecure about his personality. If it wasn't clear enough his way of showing love included bullying, when he felt close to someone he felt like hitting them. If he didn't like you it became clear because he would straight up avoid going near you, no communication or touch.

To put it simply, seungmin felt oddly left out. Everyone seemed to be dating someone and the office romance and clear displays of PDA made him feel sad. He wanted someone to show off in front of others. He wanted someone to be proud of to call them his, he wanted to be hugged and asked if he was okay.

He just wanted to be loved.

The puppy like boy had managed for the past few years to put up with his feelings because he had his best friend who was equally as lonely and would hang out with him. But Minho had found someone, Jisung didn't exactly replace Seungmin but Jisung was able to fill a place up in Minhos heart that Seungmin couldn't have. It was clear that Seungmin wasn't as needed as he was before the two started dating.

Alone, seungmin felt so incredibly alone in this office full of others. People who worked and chatted having no understanding or knowledge of how he felt and how Seungmin was so Heart broken. "Boss I have an arranged meeting I have to get to, is it alright if I leave early?" Mina asks politely.

"Sure" Seungmin says, not really thinking over the interns words as she surprisingly but happily nodded and quickly grabbed her stuff to leave before Seungmin would change his mind. Truly she just had a blind date to get too, but they didn't need to know that.

"You okay?" Felix asks the other softly, noticing his in-depth thinking.

"I'm fine, just got distracted for a second" Seungmin waves of the freckled boys concern and goes back to working. He had no time to just continue to sulk, he was a man that worked, feeling sad could wait until he clocked out.

"If you say so" Felix mutters quietly, returning back to his stuff before he heard a bing from his phone. Subtly lifting the screen up he frowns at the name, Hwang Hyunjin. True the taller did nothing to Felix but after hearing his confession on his and Jisungs past made Felix slightly mad.

How had he not noticed his friend was in so much pain, Jisung should have felt comfortable enough to tell Felix back then but he hadn't, that made the freckled guy angry and disappointed in himself. He should have been a better friend.

H.Hyunjin: Do you need a lift after work?
seen 5:17

Felix didn't know what to say, he wanted a lift but he was still angry. Yes it was in the past but it obviously affected Jisung until this day because of the hurt the chubby cheeked boy had felt. Felix hadn't been cheated on before, he could only imagine the pain of finding someone you cared about and loved in the bed with someone else.

Seeing them with no regret and them saying anything but an apology or an answer as to why they did someone so horrible was painful to even think of. The freckled boy never wanted to be in Jisung shoes, he wasn't as strong as him and it would break him to see that sight.

But Hyunjin was still his friend, he couldn't hurt him. Yet today, was not that day Felix would be siding with the taller. For the first time Felix decided against it.

L.Felix: Binnies picking me up, I won't be coming home tonight so don't wait up

H.Hyunjin: okay, bye lix

L.Felix: bye.
seen 5:25

Hyunjin stared down at his phone at the messages. Felix was normally so warm and kind, it was clear after his confession Felix might be cold. The taller just didn't  think it would hurt as much as it did. The knowledge that you disappointed someone was unbearable, he hated it more than anything. He hated it more because Felix was someone who wasn't easy to disappoint, he was always quick to forgive or help.

But Hyunjin hadn't done something that could be forgiven so easily, He knew that.

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