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It had been two weeks since the two had become a couple, and it became obvious that everyone knew that they were dating. No one ended up saying really anything about it however, most fearing Minho and what he might do if they did as well as most having expected it from the near start. Everything was perfect, well until Jisung got a not so welcomed visit by a certain celebrity who had an ego bigger then the sun.

"Jisung it's been awhile— how are you? I've missed seeing your adorable little face every day" Saeryon tells the smaller, his words surprising the shorter as he jumped slightly in his seat having not expected saeryons return. Glancing up from his laptop he stared at the older male who stood in front of him as if he was caught in disbelief.

"Hello Saeryon... why are you here?" He asks, looking around before facing the taller once more. After Jiwon had been fired saeryon had left and Jisung expected that to be the end of it. Apparently he had been wrong about that.

"I'm hurt, you didn't even say you were happy to see me. I'm here to see you, wanted to see if you wanted to join me for lunch today since I happened to be in the area and thought of you" Saeryon told the young intern who looked at him skeptically, the odd feeling he'd always get around saeryon settling in his stomach once more.

"You're not suppose to be here if you aren't an employee" Byul states annoyed, their hair messily kept back by a hair clip as they took a sip of their hot coffee. Eyes glaring into the old man who seemed to not quite get the hint Byul had oh so patiently made clear. "I'm pretty sure Jisung has already made it clear he's not interested in you" Byul states, their words dripping venom as Jisung gulps. If Saeryon wasn't going to read between the lines then Byul had made it their task to make it more apparent and in bold.

"Sorry Saeryon but I already have plans for lunch today" Jisung tells Saeryon bluntly, trying to breeze through this quickly.

"You can't change them? I came here especially for you and you can't do the very least for me?" Saeryon asks. Byul gagged at his pretentious act, annoyed and tired of him. Jisungs thoughts stayed on what he'd said and how it didn't quite match what he'd said only minutes before that. Jisung thankfully didn't need to think for long when his knight in shining armour came to his rescue.

"He's busy having lunch with me today, and tomorrow and the day after that until the end of time it seems so make sure you put that down in your diary and don't forget it" Minho informs him bluntly, stepping in between his boyfriend and the savaged beast who glared down at him annoyed at his presence.

"Why? I'm sure he'd much prefer to have lunch with me" Saeryon tells him as if it were common sense.

"Well for one I'm his boyfriend" Minho laughs out loud to demean him before carrying on. "And two that kinda correlates with me knowing who my boyfriend would like to have lunch with best which surprise, still happens to be me" Minho states, his eyes burning holes in Saeryons forehead as Jisung made eye contact with an amused Byul.

"Boyfriend?" The star asks in disbelief. "You're kidding me right? Jisung you chose this guy over me? Someone who's barely even capable of smiling let alone showing emotion? This has to be a joke" Saeryon states not amused. "I'm so much better than him yet you really chose a— a boy over a man?" He asks not seeming to believe it, he was in disbelief and Jisung wasn't taking his bad attitude lightly.

Han stared at him caught in shock, did he just degrade my boyfriendin front of me? "Saeryon I'm not interested in you, which for one has nothing to do with Minho if he was my boyfriend or not because you as a person is someone that is seriously unattractive for me" Jisung scoffs as him. "If this was a one man competition of just you participating I would've chosen a spectator over you that's how low I think of you. Yes I'm dating Minho who is much more of a man then you are. I haven't seen him throw a tantrum unlike you so I'm not sure what you're on but you're delusional." Jisung tells him, standing up from his seat to grip Minhos hand in his.

"I'd very much like it if you would leave us alone because I will not tolerate you treating my boyfriend like trash" Jisung spat him bitterly, dragging Minho off with him away from the pathetic excuse of a person. After walking for awhile, the two stopped in the photocopying room. Jisungs face set into a frown as Minho looked over him worried, making sure the brunette was okay after the whole scene.

"You okay Hannie?" Minho asks the younger softly. Rubbing circles on the back of his hand as Jisung stares at him in shock, wanting to laugh at how selfless Minho unintentionally was.

"I'm I okay? Are you okay Hyung?" He asks him, raising his hands to cup the olders face gently. "Saeryon is such an asshole— and I hope you know you're so much better than him. You treat me so well and are so gentle and caring— that dumbass couldn't even dream of being a third of the man you are" Jisung assured him, pulling Minho into a tight hug as the older stood slightly shocked, he hadn't expected Jisung to worry about his feelings.

If anything during the whole scene he had been focused on keeping saeryons attention on him and not Jisung. He thought the younger must have felt uncomfortable around him or something, not expecting him to be upset because Minho himself might've been hurt. "I-I'm okay, thank you..." Minho says still slightly taken off guard.

"If he ever insults you again come to me, I'll get Byul onto his sorry ass" Jisung tells him trying to laugh it off yet it was clear he felt upset for the older. The younger however stopped when he noticed Minhos eyes start tearing up, his bottom lip trembling faintly. "Hyung? Did I say something wrong?" Jisung asks feeling guilty as the older began to cry.

"N-no *hiccup* I just am s-so happy you care ab-bout my feelings" he cried hugging the smaller as he let his tears fall. "I'm so lucky to have you" he continued to cry, pressing his face into the youngers neck. God Minho, when did you become so emotional the older thought to himself bitterly.

"Minho Hyung don't cry, it's okay. I'm lucky to have you too" Jisung told the older, laughing slightly as he realised the older had not been crying tears of sadness but tears of happiness. Rubbing circles gently into the olders back, Jisung hummed to him gently as he waited for the older to finish crying, no matter how long he had to wait, Jisung wouldn't force him to hurry up.

Minho would stop when he was ready to.

After hearing his sniffles come to a near stop, excluding the small few, Jisung brought Minhos face in front of his. His eyes inspecting his bosses now puffy and pink face. "You're still so handsome even when you cry" Jisung whispered to him gently. Pressing light kisses onto his tear stained cheeks. His actions making the older blush and his heart thump heavily in his chest as he closed his eyes.

Minho wasn't sure just how long his heart could take this overload of love.

Love... this was love. It was early but, Minho found himself so in love with Jisung and everything he was. Everything he did.

"I love you Jisung" Minho whispered it so gently that the younger almost thought he'd misheard him but Minho repeated himself. "I love you so much Jisung" he told him, moving forward to peck the youngers lips as the younger blinked repeatedly as if dissolving the words and letting his body have an internal meltdown of pure joy.

"I love you to my Minho" Jisung whispered to the older, his lips almost hovering closely over the olders before their lips melted together perfectly. Making Minho smile, his head starting to feel light as Jisung kissed him so gently as if he was worth the world. Pulling back Minho rested his forehead against his boyfriend as they caught their breath.

"I'm so lucky to be with you" Jisung told him softly. His hands rubbing the sides of the olders face gently as he adored him. "God you're gorgeous" he stated as their eyes closed, enjoying the presence of one another so close and so intimately as they both realised that they had meant way more to each other then they had let themselves be aware of.

A/N: I... I'm not gonna lie I was close to making Minho a bottom there for a second.

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