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"Pardon?" Minho asks, his heart deflating as the younger notices the sudden dampened move, his arms quickly pulling Minho to sit down with him, needing to properly explain what was going through his head before Minho came to any conclusions himself. "You don't want to work here anymore?" He asks lightly, trying hard not to let it affect him more then it should. And there it is, sighing Han shook his head at that. Everything was going so great and now Han suddenly wanting to leave, Minho didn't like it, not one bit.

"No Minho Hyung, it's nothing like that at all i really enjoy this job! I was just thinking about how only two positions are open and I'm not exactly the best choice to pick so reasonably I just don't think it's the best idea to continue working here when well... I really need to focus on long term employment" Jisung tells the older, gripping his hand lightly to convey that this was anything but to do with him. His boss kept his face as neutral as he could muster but he new his lips had turned down a bit, he couldn't pretend he wasn't sad by the news.

Minho couldn't exactly say he didn't understand where Han was coming from though, but that didn't make this feel any less of a shock.

"Don't put yourself down like that, Jisung you're a great worker, you're smart and you're nice to work with" Minho tells him making the younger chuckle, it was nice to hear such sweet words but Jisung was being realistic and sweet words were nothing more then sweet words.

"It was just a thought honestly. Something I wanted to let you know about because I didn't want you to be shocked if I did end up leaving early. That of course... doesn't have to mean I'd stop seeing you— of course that's another whole thing" Jisung moved that thought to the side for now. "I do need to keep an eye of for other jobs, that's all I'm doing now... right now" he promised him.

Minho stares down at his hand before bringing his attention back up to his intern. "You have a possibility of being chosen" Minho ushers so it's almost silent. Not wanting him to loose hope just yet, even though it was greedy.

Jisung went to deny him but seeing the look on his face he decided to just nod along since nothing was happening of the moment. He didn't want Minho to feel like he personally affected his decision in any way but what will happen simply will happen. Jisung wasn't even sure if he was leaving yet anyway. "Thank you Minho Hyung" Jisung spoke gently.

"I was actually planning to talk to you about something" Minho whispered quietly, seeming to want this conversation to move along, his face reddening slightly as Jisung fixed his posture, suddenly nervous now. "It's uh.. about the kiss..." Minho starts clearing his throat as he looks up at the younger nervously. You can do it Minho, it's now or never! "Would you... would you be up to being my boyfriend?" He asks him.

Holy shit, is this actually happening? Jisung felt like he was going to pass out as he chocked on his words, bending over with a red face as he fixed himself, Minho seemed to wait for his response patiently. "Yes" he quickly accepted, his eyes wide as he pulled the older into a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy I am that you brought that up" he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. 

"I'm so happy you said yes" Minho laughed a breath of relief as he brought Jisungs hand up to his face, kissing it as he moved closer, still keeping a distance. "Can I... is it okay if I...?" Minhos hesitance was cut off with the conference rooms door opening, the sound making the two look up quickly.

"Hey sir I had a question... why is it always me?" Chan sulked, not bothering to say another work or give the two another look as he simply turned on his heel and left. The door slowly closing behind him as the two laughed at the odd predicament once more before Jisung turned back toward Minho.

"You were saying?" He asks softly, he assumed he knew what the older wanted to ask but he wanted to be sure. This was all new and hearing it would... it simply was better. His eyes stared adoringly into the olders as he felt Minhos breath hitch at the question.

"It's nothing" Minho shook his head lightly, standing up with Jisung. The two stood awkwardly, staring at each other before Minho spoke again, his face still unsure before he shook away whatever thoughts he had in his head. "Actually it's not nothing, can I kiss you?" He asks the brunette, taking courage once more.

"Yes please" jisung smiled happily. After hearing the younger say yes, Minho hurriedly pushed his lips against Jisungs soft ones. The slight taste of cherries filling the olders mouth as he hummed. Unlike last time, Minho felt much more confident and comfortable with the kiss, pressing his tongue into Jisungs mouth as he moved closer to jisung carefully.

The two still stayed at a distance were their hands stayed together at their side yet their lips moved gently together. So slowly and so softly it had both their hearts wanting more. After a few moments that felt like not enough time Minho pulled away quickly he reddened. "Sorry I just really wanted to kiss you" He whispers gently. Jisung shook his head to quiet his thoughts or useless apologies and pulled Minho back closer, where their arms slightly touched their sides.

His fingers entwining with Minhos as he bit down on the olders lips oh so gently. Stomach fluttering as he felt Minhos hands sweat a bit from all his emotions. It was adorable. Eyes closed the two simply enjoyed their presence together for a moment longer, foreheads against one another as they let themselves catch their breath before Jisung pushed Minhos chest away gently.

His face red and lips red, his eyes dazed as he couldn't help but look at Minhos face, from his nose to his lips and eyes and eyebrows and the fine lines and the little moles and the way he just seemed to godly in that moment. . "I would love to continue" Jisung started with a teasing smile stretching over his lips. "...but I'm afraid my boss will get angry with me for not working" Jisungs poke lightly, his hands running up and down Minhos arms as he tries not to laugh at his terrible joke.

"I don't think your boss will mind too much, maybe just five more minutes. He won't even notice you're not at your desk" Minho followed on with his story, grinning as Jisung laughed.

"I guess we have five more minutes than" Jisung spoke, leaning in to press his lips against his boyfriends. Boyfriend. They were actually boyfriends. Felix must be a psychic or something but those thoughts can be pondered on another day.

Minho moved his hands below Hans thighs as he gave a devious smile before he picked the younger up gently, helping him onto the conference table as he laughed at Jisungs little shriek. For a moment he pondered on surveillance before remembering that there was no cameras in this room, just for confidentiality.

Something the two right now needed.

"You're so handsome" Minho whispered, holding him close as the two looked at each other.

"Not nearly as Handsome as you" Jisung whispered back, resting his head on the olders chest as they sat giggling and complimenting each other. Their bodies staying close as if they didn't want to leave each other just yet which they didn't. This was nice. Being close was so heavenly.

Turns out five minutes flew by awfully quick, and than ten minutes came by, time being no stranger Jisung felt himself sigh as he realised he really shouldn't be wasting more time. "I think we should go now" Jisung whispered to his boss.

"I really don't want to" Minho whined lightly making Jisung laugh.

"Don't be such a baby, come on let's go" jisung told the older, getting down from the table as he held onto his boyfriends hand pulling him towards the door. "Are we going to keep this a secret?" Jisungs asks hesitantly before opening the door.

"Do you want to keep this a secret?" Minho asked the younger as he gave it some thought. "Dating is exactly banned here, the company doesn't have a rule against workers dating each other" Minho tells the younger. "I'm happy with anything, as long as you're comfortable" he told the brunette.

"I'm fine with being open but... Should we wait and see who notices us first before we tell everyone. Excluding Chan of course" jisung laughs as Minho nods, intrigued at the idea.

"That sounds like fun, who do you think will find out first?" Minho asks the blonde who thinks, opening the door as they keep their hands held together. "I have to admit though, hiding you is not my main goal at the end" Minho whispered in his ear making Jisung laugh.

That was something the both could agree on.

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