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"Jisung, could I drive you home tonight?" Minho asks his boyfriend who had his eyes glued to his computer utterly exhausted, his eyes lighting up as he looked at the older, a warmth exploding over his chest as he nodded.

"I'd love that" Jisung admits smiling as he closed his computer and grabbed his belongings before walking side by side with the older. His hand being engulfed by his boyfriends hand as they left the office. Chan rolling his eyes at the two love birds from where he still sat working at his computer.

"I fucking hate couples" he mumbled under his breath, lips pouting out as he looked down at his own hands. "I'm so alone" he sulked, wiping away a pretend tear before he took another sip of his coffee. "At least I have you" he smiled at his cup

"Hey Ji I wanted to tell you that I told Mina that you and I are an item" Minho tells the younger carefully, a bit peeved he had lost keeping their relationship a secret but it was worth more telling her then not. Jisung looked over to him warmly.

"I know, she came up to me at lunch and apologised. Truthfully I was a bit worried you might be into her. I'm sorry I just got insecure and she is really pretty and well I am.." Jisung whispered looking down at his shoes. I need to stop voicing these deprecating thoughts aloud.

Minho grabbed his chin lightly and lifted his face to look at him. "Handsome... you're handsome. You are perfect and smart. It's not just me who thinks that either. Everyone thinks you are. You're also sweet and kind, more reasons I like you so much" Minho admitted to the younger.

"You really like me that much?" He asks hesitantly as if in disbelief.

"More than I have ever liked anyone before" he admitted blushing lightly. "I've never been one to exactly excel at the whole relationship and dating thing but one thing I know for sure is that you are the first person I don't ever want to let go of" Minho tells the younger. Kissing his forehead gently as Han blushed.

"I feel like I'll let you down when you're feelings are so much greater then mine. I really like you Minho, and I only hope to fall in love with you... we seem to be moving really quickly though" Jisung laughed all of a sudden. "I mean we just started dating and I'm talking about love Jesus please don't get scared by that" he chuckled awkwardly.

"I'd never be scared of that, I'd welcome your love whole. I know we kinda are moving quick but I like if. If it ever gets too much tell me and I'll step on the breaks a bit" Minho told the younger as they joined hands again and continued to Minho's car.

"I like the pace we are at right now. I just am a bit unsure about when we get to you know... being more intimate" Jisung admitted, his eyes glancing at the older to see his reaction as the older nodded in understanding.

"There is no rush for anything Jisung, right now we have plenty of time and I'll wait for you happily, even if I end up old and grey or even if you never want to become that intimate with me I can understand and I'm happy to not be intimate if that's what floats your boat" he did not just say if that's what floats your boat, Jisung tried to hide his small smile but Minho caught it in the end . "Did I really say that? God i'm sorry that was... odd?" Minho laughs.

"Even with the unusual wording I love how you said it. I mean I don't know how I feel right now but I don't think you'll be grey and old before we are intimate. I just want to make sure we don't rush to much and that we truly— truly like one another" Jisung told him gently, a smile gracing his lips.

It didn't hurt to take sex slow in relationships, and for Jisung and his past it felt like the proper thing to do. To both protect himself as well as make sure Minho and him were really ready for one another. Jisung really liked the older, so much that he wanted to enjoy him as much as he could before they did anything to serious.

"And you act like you're not perfect. The way you word things is beautiful Jisung. I'm happy and content today and I'll be happy and content tomorrow, because I'm with you" Minho promised him. Opening the door for Jisung making the brunette laugh and thank him as he stepped in.

Once the older was in Jisung turned to him,
"You're amazing Minho, I've never met someone as incredible as you before" Jisung told the older, stars in his eyes as he stared at him with nothing less of affection.

"I could say the same about you" the older told him. "Do you want to... sleepover at my place tonight?" he asks anxiously, turning shy as Jisung nodded happily.

"I'd love to" the younger agreed.


Once the two were showered and ready for bed, Jisung dressed in some of Minho's clothes despite having brought his own, simply because he really wanted to wear the olders clothes and... it was strange but.. be surrounded by his smell. The younger awkwardly stood at the end of Minhos bed once he finished changing, hands nervously tapping the side of his thighs as he took a breath.

This was a big step, it may seem small to some but this was how people really get to know each other. What if he snored while he slept or what if he sleep talked and Minho found it unattractive or annoying? Really the possibilities were endless.

"Are you nervous, I have a spare room if you feel comfortable sleeping there instead" Minho offered as Jisung shook his head.

"No I want to cuddle" he told the older quickly. Slowly he made his way onto the bed, pulling back the covers to hop in besides Minho. The older smiling widely as he wrapped his arms around the younger his chin resting on top of Jisung head.  As soon as he was in the olders arms... he felt safe.

"You smell so nice" Minho whispered out of no where. Jisung wanted to laugh because he had spent awhile making sure he didn't stink after working all day but he kept his laugh to a low chuckle.

"Thanks" Jisung whispered. The two stayed like that, until Jisung shifted under the blanket and Minho had fallen asleep. His head bent to the side at and odd angle as the younger tried to stop himself from laughing at the olders cuteness. Helping his boyfriend and a potential painful neck, he laid him down properly and brought the blanket up to his chin. Laying down closely beside him Jisung wrapped his arms around the olders arm, the safe feeling not once dwindling as he slowly let his brain fog.

"Goodnight Minho" Jisung whispered to the sleeping man, hugging him with absolute adoration and love.

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