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Minho woke up to his boyfriend laying on top of him still, his hair messy and his mouth parted as he slept, soft snores leaving his pretty pink lips. He felt bad the Jisung was still in his messy pants, it wouldn't be comfortable or hygienic really to stay like that and he felt guilty he didn't help the younger clean up but the two had been so tired they had went to sleep immediately.

He should have been more onto it, making sure the younger was comfortable and relaxed but he couldn't blame himself since once more they had been so tired. Now was a different story though. Slowly Minho creeped out of bed, walking over to the bathroom as he started running a bath. Adding in bubbles and keeping it at a decent temperature where it was still hot but wouldn't burn the youngers skin off because that really wasn't what he needed at the moment.

Returning back to the bedroom as he listened to the bath run, Minho gently shook the younger awake, hearing a groan in return as he placed gentle kisses over the youngers face, trying to ease him up gently. "Wake up baby, you need to bath" he told the younger.

"Min I'm tired" jisung whines, sitting up as he blinks repeatedly, his mind still not processing the fact he was awake just yet. Minho smiles and helped the younger up taking him to the bathroom. Checking the water again he turned the taps off and faced the younger.

"Do you want help getting undressed or do you want to do it yourself?" Minho asks the other softly, his hand caressing Jisungs face as the other melted into his boyfriends touch.

"Undress me please Hyung" Jisung told him, not as tired but too lazy to do it himself. He watched as Minho started undoing his button up pajama top and taking it off him, following with his pants and underwear. Minho felt nervous for him, his face slightly heated and his eyes kept up as he helped the younger.

Despite last nights events, Minho was still incredibly nervous with being intimate around the younger, just because they had moved a step further didn't exactly mean everything was open now and he was going to continue being a respectful boyfriend. Throwing the clothes onto the floor he helpedjisung into the bath. Surrounding the boy with bubbles so he was modest.

"Is it good? Not too hot?" Minho asks him lightly, helping him and keeping an eye on him afraid he would fall asleep in the tub and drown. He kneeled down on the outer of the tub and smiled sweetly at his boyfriend.

His boyfriend, Minho loved being able to fall Jisung his boyfriend.

"It's perfect Min, you're so sweet to prepare this for me" Jisung thanks him, letting his body relax under the olders touch as he washed the youngers hair for him. Massaging his scalp with the shampoo and helping him rinse once he finished.

The older loved it, being able to coddle Jisung and take care of him. However what he loved most was that Jisung wanted it too and happily accepted the olders actions. He felt blessed having such a perfect partner. "You're so handsome Hannie" the older compliments his boyfriend.

"Says you Hyung" Jisung tells him, looking up to stare into his eyes. "You're so perfect both inside and out, I'm so lucky to have someone as great as you" Jisung told him, his hand brought up to touch the olders cheek.

Minho shyly smiled, his face burning slightly at the compliment as Jisung stared intently up at him. Everything was perfect in their little world.


Work however could not wait for love. "Yo bitches I got my nails done yesterday, aren't they pretty?" Felix asks the two interns in office, showing off his newly done nails. After the whole Jiwon incident, Felix had been moved to help Mina in Seungmins department.

The two interns missed their friends words and their moments.

"Very pretty, it suits you Lix" Jisung told his friend, admiring the pretty pastel blue colour adorning his nails. Byul also stared in awe, their eyes staring at the pretty nails before them as if they were a fine art.

"Maybe I should get my nails done, I don't know, it's not something I typically do" they spoke, glancing down at their nails than back to Felix's. Their pretty dark orbs wanting the same pretty colour as their friend. "No i don't think it's for me" They sigh out as they came to their own conclusion.

"You can't say that, I seriously think that you would suit having your nails done. A dark purple— oh wait a green would look great on you Byul" Felix spoke, picking up the interns hands in awe as he gasped. "So soft! What lotion do you use?" Felixs compliments gushed out making the dark haired intern shyly smile. "Damn I'm jealous, I wish my hands were as nice as yours" Felix compliments them.

"O-Oh thank you" Byul blushes, looking down into their lap as they were praised.

"I'll get my nails done with you if you want? I've always wanted my nails done but I've never found the time" Jisung tells his friend, their eyes sparkling at the offer. The two interns nearly melted at the adorable childlike awestruck look Byul showed.

Their usual snarky and sarcastic attitude suddenly nowhere to be seen.

"Really? You would come with me?" Byul asks making sure they weren't hallucinating and it was true. Jisung nodded his head confirming his words. "I'd love that" Byul says, a bright smile on their lips.

"What's happening?" Ms Cho asks, appearing out of thin air scaring Felix and Jisung as Byul didn't even flinch but that was to be expected.

"Jisung and I are going to get our nails done together one day" Byul tells their fiancé who stares at Jisung and than back to her beloved fiancé. "Isn't that great?" Byul asks, slightly worried at the lack of an answer but the soft look in Haeris eyes made them relax.

"That's wonderful darling, your hands have always been one of my favourite parts of your body. Make sure to tell me what day, I'll give you my keycard" Ms Cho tells the intern who nods and kisses the olders cheek grateful for their fiancé.

"Thanks" Byul smiles widely.

Ms Cho turns to Jisung, a heavy stare in her eyes as she sizes Jisung up and down, almost calculating something Jisung wasn't aware or. "Byul better be protected when they are with you. I don't want even a scratch on my baby's body" Ms Cho tells Jisung who nods quickly.

Ms Cho gives him a small smile after, her mood changes scaring Jisung and Felix yet Byul was oblivious to it as they spoke with their fiancé about how excited they were for the date Jisung and Byul were planning.

His Intern | Minsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora