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After awhile of cuddling the two finally left their bed, Minho still holding Jisung close as the two entered the olders kitchen. Jisung had the need to keep reminding himself that Minho was indeed rich, and not rich as in owning a massive tv or having two cars but rich as in his home seemed unreal from just how unbelievably fancy it was. "What do you want to eat baby?" The older asks, placing gentle kisses on the smallers face as he made his way to the fridge.

"Hmmm, surprise me" Jisung giggled, feeling ticklish at the olders kisses. He loved the way the older was so caring, his heart feeling light in his chest as he swooned over the older. Jisung was so undeniably lucky in this life to land someone like Minho.

"How about some pancakes?" The older asks curiously. The two still didn't fully know one another or well.. more then they knew on a level one kinda basis.

"That sounds perfect right now, but I don't want to let you go at all" Jisung laughed as he followed after the older like a lost penguin, sticking close but nothing to close that it would be insufferable. Minho loved how sweet the younger was and how he trialed behind him like he didn't want to let him go.

"I don't want to let you go" he mumbles, slightly embarrassed at how clingy he had become so quickly but it was admirable.

"I'm right here" Minho chuckled at the younger. Jisung nodded and moved give the older some space so he could grab the ingredients for pancakes, a frown slightly on his face as he wished he could hold Minho more, yet the smaller knew he was being a bit too clingy and instead took to watching the older affectionally on the side lines.

"You're so pretty Hyung" Jisung told the older, making him melt and smile at the gentle words from the younger. "So pretty and so mine" Jisung continued to sweet talk him, loving the reactions he received.

After a short while of cooking, Minho finished with a plate of pancakes, some syrup with some healthy blueberries and strawberries on the side as he brought Jisung to the table, placing the food down in front of the younger who seems eager to try.

Taking a seat next to him he watched as Jisung grabbed the fork, grabbing a bit of the pancake and lifting it over to Minhos mouth. Confused Minho points to himself as if to ask if it's for him. "Yes Hyung, Say ahh" Jisung told him moving the fork closer to the olders lips as Minho blushed and opened his mouth.

Jisung smiled as he fed the older, taking some of the food for himself but mainly concentrating on feeding him. "Say ahh" he said again.

"Sung I've eaten most of the food already, you have some" Minho told the other, taking the fork from his hand and feeding him instead. Jisung ate quietly, enjoying the taste of the sweet food and strawberries.

After they finished the two moved to the olders couch, sitting down together. Well Minho rested on top of the younger, Jisungs hand gripping the olders hip to keep him steady so he didn't accidentally fall off. "What do you want to watch?" He asks as he flicks through the options.

"Anything" Jisung told him, cuddling closer as he enjoyed the warmth Minho gave him. Jisung really wasn't to interested in the movie but he wasn't going to say that to Minho.

After picking a movie that neither of them ended up paying much attention to, the couple laid together in comfort, enjoying the way the world seemed to drift away as they stayed together for what felt like the longest yet shortest day of their life.

"I adore you Hyung" Jisung whispered softly as if Minho himself had hung stars up in the sky.

"I adore you too Sung" Minho said in return just as gently.

A/N: Why is this so soft?

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