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"I'm sorry" Minho apologised, handing the blonde a box of chocolate with his puppy eyes. The intern took the box of chocolate hesitantly, his eyes looking up at his boss confused. "I'm really sorry Jisung, I didn't mean to hurt you" Minho blabbered on, his face slightly red from embarrassment which Jisung could understand if he were in his shoes.

Jisung laughed lightly, the sound cutting off the olders rambling as he stared at the younger confused. "Hyung I'm fine. You were drunk and clearly out of it. It was nothing serious. You've apologised more than you needed to" Jisung forgave him, standing up and giving the older a hug.

"I was so worried that you would hate me or feel uncomfortable, I just really like you" Minho mumbled, his hands gripping the youngers shirt. Yet the two tensed at the olders words. "I—I no that, I'm sorry that just slipped!" Minho pulled away hurriedly, his hands covering his face in embarrassment as he started to retract his words quickly.

Han just pulled the older back into a hug, his face blooming a dark red as he held back a smile. "I like you too" He whispered. His voice sending shivers down the olders spine as his mind went into panic.

He likes me too?

"I meant I really like you, as in like like you" Minho mumbled, his eyes not meeting the others as he stared at the floor. God is this second grade? Why am I like this.

"I know, and I really like you too" Jisung smiles widely, laughing softly at the wording but it was cute. His hand taking the olders in his as they stared at each other in silence. Chan who had not been seen yet, kept his head down on his desk as he listened to the twos confession. Everyone else had gone home and he felt like if he said anything it would ruin the moment completely.

Just stay quiet, and leave the lovebirds alone.

"Can I kiss you?" Minho asks lightly, his heart beating fast against his chest as he nervously waited for the youngers response before once again loosing all courage as it died out as soon as he asked him. "I mean you can say no, it's fine I'll understand. That was so sudden wasn't it I'm sorry. I'm sorr-" he was cut off with a pair of soft lips meeting his, and Minho was in heaven.

The two just let their lips stay in place, Minho not daring to move first as he didn't want to scare jisung off. Placing down the box of chocolates jisung had in his hand, he wrapped his arms around minhos neck, pulling the older closer. Minho immediately moved his hands to rest on Jisungs hips.

Their faces both slightly red as Jisung moved his lips against Minhos, making the older squeeze his eyes shut as his stomachs swarmed with butterflies. If this was a cartoon he would have hearts dancing around his head. Minho slowly pushed his tongue into Jisungs mouth, shocking the smaller but he went along with it, feeling the way Minho slowly became more confident in his actions but still keeping it slow enough that everything felt like it was their forever.

His hands gripped tighter to the youngers sides  as he pulled him closer, their bodies brought together but not too much just yet as Minho kissed Jisung as if he tasted of nothing but sweet fruit. "I'm sorry but I need to go or the last bus is going to leave and I'll have to walk" hearing the intrusion the two jumped apart quickly, jisung falling back onto his seat as Minho blinked repeatedly in shock, wiping his mouth and fixing his jacket as he made eye contact with chan.

You again.

Jisung looked up to see a nervous Chan who refused to make eye contact with either of two as he awkwardly waddled towards the door. "We weren't, this wasn't what it looked like" Minho quickly explained as jisung nodded his head agreeing with the older. The last thing the needed was a meeting about keeping it PG in the office.

"I didn't see anything, I'm just.. gonna go" Chan gave a short smile before running the last bit out of the office only to return and awkwardly grab the bag he had left, his head still down refusing to make eye contact. "Sorry you can continue now" Chan told the two as he ran out again.

The two stared at the hallway the older had left by, still embarrassed they had so openly made out and confessed in front of another employee. Jisung hanged his head down low needing to breath for a second before he started to laugh at their predicament.

"That was awkward" jisung laughed lightly, standing up and placing his things into his bag. He glanced up and walked over to Minho, his bag and jacket in his hands. "About before, I'm sorry I just kissed you like that. I just, I don't know" jisung looked down awkwardly.

"I asked you first, I'm glad you initiated the kiss" Minho smiles softly at the younger endearingly.

"I guess I'll be going now, goodnight Hyung" jisung waved slightly at the older as he started to walk away.

"Wait Han, did you want a lift home?" Minho asks, stopping the boy in his tracks as he thinks over the offer. "It's alright if you don't want to" Minho reassured him. He knew after that they'd probably be awkward around each other or even need some space or maybe even time to think whether or not this was—

"I'd love a ride home" jisung smiled, his answer cutting off Minhos train of negative thoughts as the older gave him a thrilled smile. Moving quickly to catch up to him, his hand sliding into the youngers as they walked down the hallway. Their faces slightly red as they enjoyed each other's presence because for the moment that was enough.

A/N: No one ever makes Minho a soft guy who's sweet, They typically make him mean or emotionally distant and I wanted him to be cute in this, even a little shy.

His Intern | Minsung Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat