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"I can't believe you left me alone for basically the whole day, you have no clue what I suffered without you, no clue" Jisung whines to his friend who had finally returned, deciding to add to his dramatics he places the side of his face down onto his desk. The younger had finished helping Minho only half an hour before, he surprisingly didn't mind working with him as much as he originally presumed he would. Sure it was awkward and tense but it wasn't bad.

"I'm sorry but they had an English speaking seller and I was available, I couldn't say no" he tells the other who nods understanding. "On another note, I saw you in Mr Lee's office, what were you two up to?" Felix asks wiggling his eyebrows childishly, the sight making the brunette knit his own eyebrows together cluelessly.

"Working obviously" Jisung states, confused at what the freckled boy was hinting at. "He's my boss what else would I be doing with him other then boring paper work?" Jisung asks confused until he looks at Felixs face prophesy, signing up in his seat as his jaw dropped at the dirty minded thoughts he could sense when he looked into the others eyes. "He's my boss Felix, how could you think that?!" Jisung whisper shouts to his best friend who laughs at him. "You and your dirty mind" he shakes his head in disbelief.

"He's extremely good looking, and his personality is totally your type" Felix tells him as if it was basic knowledge, Jisung only shakes his head as he goes back to looking down at his work, not interested in his weird friends thoughts in the least.

"And he's still my boss. Those things you're thinking about only happen in tv dramas or cheesy porno films made for straight people" Jisung tells him, eyebrows furrowed together with distaste as he had those images fly into his mind. Gross. He would be lying however if he didn't think Mr Lee was attractive, yet he highly doubted their relationship will ever go beyond employer and employee for many reasons.

One, Jisung had no desire to do anything but work and try and score a job which he was sure he wouldn't get if he got into his bosses pants. Two, he couldn't imagine himself being Mr Lee's type. Or flirting with him for that matter. Minho was also probably straight which was number three. Four was obviously the fact he and Seungmin where a possible super secret lover thing if number three was in fact not true—and Jisung was many things but he wasn't a home wrecker.

"I know someone that had a relationship with their boss, and they are still happily dating" Felix says playfully, twirly a short strand of his hair close to eyes, moving to lean back in his chair with his arms crossed behind his head as if to make a point. He is too relaxed Jisung sighs.

"That was you, and two weeks later you were fired for inappropriate conduct in the office may I remind you" Jisung states crossing his arms as he looks back at his friend. Felix had a pretty good job before applying here, he was the secretary for a well known CEO and he was basically living in a drama. A great apartment in Seoul which he could afford with ease, going out to five star restaurants daily, and then the amazing and respectful CEO who had been bewitched by Felixs charms.

Felix was a hard man to exactly hold down, but the older man had managed and it wasn't long until they eventually started dating.

Yet when they had an... Intimate moment in the office one day, someone walked in and well Felix was fired. Changbin, his boyfriend is still CEO though. If Felix had tried he could have kept his job but he didn't mind working somewhere else, he liked a changed of scenery. As well as facing the embarrassment of everyone he use to work with knowing what happened, yeah Felix did not enjoy that idea.

"So? I found my soulmate, who cares that I was fired" he says ignoring the fact that he became a broke bitch after. He's just lucky his boyfriend is pretty much his sugar daddy. Changbin, a generous man, his love language is giving. That means literally anything, giving his time, money, head—... really the man loved to hold Felix on a pedestal which felt justified since Felix was truly a sweet heart.

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