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Jisung decided to stay the night at Minhos home again, the two cuddling closely in the olders bed as if it was something they had been doing for years. Minho let out soft snores as he slept. Jisung watching him quietly, his hand traced the olders face as he couldn't find the power to sleep. Jisung was still slightly thrown off by Minhos sudden breakdown.

Truth be told, Jisung didn't know much about Minho. He had a feeling the older hadn't had the most pleasant past relationships either and that made Jisungs heart ache for him, all he wanted was for the older to feel safe and comfortable. But he mainly wanted him to be happy.

"Sung why aren't you sleeping?" Minho asks lightly, his voice deeper than normal from waking up in the middle of the night. His eyes still closed.

"Sorry Hyung did I wake you?" Jisung asks him lightly.

"Kind of But that's okay. Why can't my lovely boyfriend sleep?" Minho asks him, snuggling into his chest as Jisung smiles down at the older.

"I was just thinking that's all" Jisung told him, his words earning a nervous reaction from Minho.

"What about? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, his eyes tearing up as he tried to remember what he could have possibly done wrong. "I'm sorry" Minho whispered.

"No hyung it's nothing bad don't cry" Jisung told him, lifting his head to look him in the eyes. "I was thinking about yesterday. Minho I don't know much about you and your past relationship and I was thinking about you saying you were happy about me worrying about your feelings" Jisung whispered, petting his hair. "Were... were the people you dated not nice?" Jisung asks him. "Did they ever hurt you, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I know this might be an uncomfortable topic for you" Jisung told him, needing him to know that he didn't have to open his deepest secrets if he wasn't ready, he might never be and Jisung just had to respect that.

"It's okay Sung, I guess I never thought about telling you about my exes. They weren't horrible, at least I don't think they were. We just never did the things me and you do" Minho tells him.

"What we do?" Jisungs asks confused,

"When I dated them it was mainly distant, I never got to cuddle or talk with them like we do. When our feelings got hurt by one another no one said anything. I wasn't good at expressing myself so most of them thought I just didn't feel sad. I guess being with you made me a little emotional because you're the first who's actually checked to see if I was okay" Minho told him, struggled to make eye contact after being so open.

"I'm sorry you went through that. I know it's not abuse but not having your feelings heard and not being emotionally connected while in a relationship can be straining on you" Jisung whispered. "If you ever feel sad or anything tell me Hyung. If i ever do anything that makes you upset tell me, okay?" Jisung tells him earning a nod in response.

"Why are you so good to me?" Minho asks.

"Because you deserve the best. I love you too much to ever hurt your feelings" Jisung whispered to him softly. His hands softly tracing down Minho's face.

His actions causing goosebumps to spread over the olders body. His face starting to bloom a dark red as Jisung smiled softly, loving the reactions Minho have him from just a simple touch. "Jisung if you keep touching me like that... " Minho whispers, his head lowering in shame.

Yet the younger didn't stop, instead he moved closer, needing to be closer to Minho. Feverishly pressing kisses down the olders neck leaving a trail of ghost kisses as he went. Minho was sensitive, having only woken up not that long ago and still being tired he couldn't handle the soft touches Jisung was giving him. Being so close and feeling so seen was maxing him shiver.

"Jisung please..." Minho told him, his eyes screwed together tightly as small whines left his mouth when Jisung bit softly at his skin.

Leaning back Jisung admired the small marks appearing on the olders neck. How Minho flushed and his mouth stayed slightly parted. "I can help you" Jisung told him. Moving down slightly under the blanket.

Seeing him move so quickly made Minho to jump up slightly, confused as to what was happening now. "Sung it's okay I can just shower. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you or anything" Minho told the younger lifting the blanket to catch Jisungs hands near the olders sweat pants, hovering as if their was a shield above Minho, simple consent being the only thing holding Jisung back as he waited cautiously for Minhos reaction.

"I want to touch you Minho... if you're okay with that can I?" Jisung asks softly. His hands moved upwards to softly trace the olders hips.

"B-But i don't want to make you feel like you have to do this to show me you care. I need you to be comfortable with this, not just wanting this to... make me feel better" Minho whispered.

"Minho you're not making me feel like I need to do anything. I want to, I feel safe and so comfortable with you I want nothing but to be close to you, right now letting you feel special (that wasn't even planned lmao) will make me happy, but only if you're okay with that" Jisung whispered. "Are you okay with this?" He asked.

"Y-Yes" Minho confirmed, laying back down on the bed as he felt his face darken. He wasn't exactly a fan of others seeing his body, let alone someone who Minho wanted nothing but to please. His thoughts quickly hushed as he felt Jisungs hands lower, actually touching the hem of pants so gently Minho might actually combust.

With Minhos whole body hidden under the blanket Jisung pulled his pants down. "God you make me feel like some nervous virgin again" Minho choked out awkwardly, cringing at how he ruined the moment.

He heard the younger chuckle, the sound muffled a bit before he whispered. "You're so undeniably handsome" Jisung whispered, leaving small kisses on the olders thighs. "It's as if god Aphrodite herself sculpted you" Jisung told him, his words sending butterflies to his stomach— Minho's breathing halted when he felt Jisungs mouth get closer to his hardened length.

A/N: did I just leave you guys like this, yes, yes I did. Don't worry I'll be back later.

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