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The first week of the internship had gone by rather quickly, well for Minho at least. The dark haired man couldn't help but become interested in one of the young interns who had the cutest chubby cheeks. He wouldn't call it love per say, but he was most definitely crushing hard and that did not help his lack of social skills. If anything he was more awkward around him. From his grim face and the fact he could barely even say hi to him properly without bringing up work... he was truly hopeless.

He hadn't even fallen in love yet but he knew it was doomed since he couldn't even properly spoken to the guy.

Seungmin had taken notice of his friends gaze for the intern, amused and finding it entertaining as he watched his friend struggle with his feelings. He loved how Jisung so blatantly feared his boss that only wanted to wrap him up and keep him protected. The duo was unexpected but that should have been expected from his peculiar boss. He was well aware of the misunderstanding but he was most definitely not going to help either of them out, instead he was going to get them close just to watch how amusing it was when they were together.

He loved Minho truly, but he loved watching him fail at love even more. Seungmin was heartless after all, what could he say?

Felix had been moved to the sales team for the day, they needed help and since Felix knew English he was perfect for the opportunity to learn. Byul and Ms Cho had been busy all morning with their paperwork and disappeared leaving Han at lunch alone. That whole thing was suspicious but Hans motto was that unless he was directly involved it truly wasn't his business and he didn't need to know. Keep your eyes low and if you see something— no you didn't.

He wanted to but yet again.. he didn't need to.

Jisung took a seat at one of the empty cafeteria tables and stared at his food bored. He felt embarrassed to eat alone, well who wouldn't? The majority of the cafeteria was filled with groups of people eating with their own sectors or friends, while the intern was left alone. It was kindergarten, highschool and college all over again, kids and adults where too similar it seemed.

Well until his knight in shining armour walked over. His hair slightly wavy and bouncy as he walked with a bounce in his step, a welcoming smile resting on his gorgeous light pink lips and such a safe aura that Jisung almost cried with joy when he say him come his way.

Such a nice man, such a nice, nice man.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" Seungmin asks gently, smiling at the intern who nodded his head happily. Minho stood behind seungmin, scowling and tensing his jaw in nervousness to be eating with the cute intern. Seungmin knew his plan was going great when he saw Jisungs smile turn tense when he caught sight of the monster— sorry Minho!—behind him. Damnit of course his knight— Seungmin— would bring his super secret lover along. Jisung would have much preferred to say no, mainly because he feared Minho but since Seungmin was here he hoped it wouldn't be too bad. Better then sitting alone.


The two sat with him, Minhos eyes not leaving Jisung as the said boy refused to make eye contact and much preferred to look at his food which he now found profoundly entertaining.

The older was admiring how cute the younger looked, his light brown hair looked extra soft and his dark navy suit looked snug on his body. Making it apparent that he indeed did work out. (I'm a sucker of Jisungs arms I'm sorry I had to). How Jisung nibbled on his lower lip at times or how he stuffed his cheeks full when he did eat. He had tried not to stare at him for too long without saying anything, yet he didn't know what he could possibly say that would make the younger more comfortable. He didn't want to ask anything too personal but he was so curious about the younger.

His Intern | Minsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora