Chap 16 Pain and Care

Start from the beginning

'Hello, yes this is me. On back side of the car there are some files. Get those file to my office. I forgot to take it with me. Be fast & come directly at 15th floor". With that I hung the call..

Adhya POV

I received the call from the devil. He asked me to bring some files. My whole arm is now paining so much. With so much difficulty I took out the whole bundle. Shit it's heavy. No I can't do that. But I have to bear. At home I will take care of my wound. I took out the bundle from the car and lead my way towards the lift.

"This lift is only for CEO Ma'am. You are not allowed". I heard watchman saying this to me. I went to public lift. But it's stuck somewhere near 7th floor. So it's not coming down to ground floor.

"Tring"! I recieved the call.

"Where the hell you are"? I heard him speaking or should I saying yelling at me.

"Speak up"! He shouted.

"I"... The word formed is just i. I tried to elaborate my situation but all goes in vain.

"I don't know how will you do this, but I want you to in my office in next 5 mins or else you are not working in this project".
With that he hung the call.

"No no I can't wait for the lift, I will take the stairs". The whole bundle of file I am carrying in my left hand & trying to go upstairs. The pain in other hand is increasing.

Come on 6 floor more. I saw the time. 3 mins left. I huffed and breathed.
I cannot carry the weight in left hand . I have to use right hand now.

"Aah' I winced in pain.

But I am running late.

3 more floors comeon.

Finally 15th floor. Still 1/2 min left

I saw the cabin, I ran & knocked the door.

Advitya Shekhar POV

Tuck tuck! I heard knocking on door.
I saw the watch 1/2 mins still left.

"Come in" I said.

I saw her entering with bundles of file. I smirked..

The moment she came closer I saw her face, she is little pale. And I can see sweat all over.

"Place these on table". I said

She did the same.
"Sit "! I gestured her to sit.

She sat. I can see her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily.

I took one of the file & start inspecting. With my peripheral vision I saw her looking all around the room, still resting left hand over right one.

"Hello, ya i read the file. You come here & I have signed them already.
No, I am leaving". & with that I hung up the call.

Lets go! I gestured her.

While coming out of the cabin, I walked forward towards the lift. She was trailing behind me.

"You can take public lift. Like Same way you come to my office. My lift is private, I don't want people to gossip about me". I said

She nodded and turned back. I don't know but I felt wrong. Since when I start caring about people. I asked myself. I entered into the lift. I saw her going towards the stairs area. Before I could say something the door is closed.

From past 3 mins I am waiting for her in parking area near general public lift.

Where is she! I thought.

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