Strange Addictions!

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A/N: Izuku POV unless said otherwise

I was on my way to the infirmary again. It was the first time this week which isn't really hard to accomplish since it was Monday anyways.

Me: RG will kill me for sure!

I had a feeling that me and that bed in her office were more than best friends. You could even say that I was married to the bed how often I was sleeping on it.

Me: Here we go again.

I was currently in front of the office and dreaded to go in because I was sure that she would whack me with her cane because of how caress I am.


RG: Come in!

Knocking on the infirmaries door was not necessary at all but I found it impolite to just barge in. RG (Recovery Girl) was still in there the most of the time and I could scare her or disturb her healing another patient which was the exact reason why I was knocking before entering. Once I was in I immediately went to my wife the hospital like bed and looked at her while she was coming at me with her cane. She was old after all but something about that cane just scared me.

RG: *Sigh* First thing in the morning and I have you sitting here.

Me: Sorry!

RG: What happened this time?

Me: Well...

RG: Spill it out!

Me: I got hit by Acid. It was an accident though!

RG: How can this be an accident?

Me: They were playing in the dorms and I just kind barged in on them and scared Mina.

RG: *Sigh* I now know why Aizawa is sighing so much. You really are a problem child.

Me: It's not my fault for her being addicted to cucumber and that I needed it in order to make the salad for her.

RG: Wait, you are making breakfast for everyone?

Me: Yeah.

RG: She is addicted to cucumber?

Me: Yep. Sure is! You can't even get that thing away from her. It's the same with spice and Kacchan. They would rather fight you then give them to you.

RG: Sounds like Aizawa and coffee.

Me: It's the same. It's crazy!

RG: It is and I tried to get him off coffee once.

Me: How did it work?

RG: Not how I expected. I even found him sniffing that stuff.

Me: Wha- really?

RG: YES! It was completely crazy! We were waiting for the teacher's conference Nezu told us to attend and I wanted to make some tea. So I went to the teacher lounge and there I found him and black powder laying on his desk. He even said "It's not how it looks like!" before sniffing that stuff.

Me: Wow. Speaking of addiction. I once found Mina with all the cucumbers we had. She was stacking them all on a pile and then making a snow man like move around them. If you asked me she looked high. You know what I mean?

RG: Like a cat on catnip?

Me: Yes. She was definitely having her own trip to somewhere in that pile of cucumbers.

RG: Well anyways let me heal your wound. Where did she get you?

Me: On my arm.

RG: These wounds look like you tried to protect yourself.

Me: I did but it's not like I attacked her or tried to grab the cucumber. I just told her I would need it for the salad she loves in the morning.

RG: What did she say?

Me: Nothing really just some gibberish and then she made some animal noises before coming right at me.

I saw RG looking at my injury before healing at and giving me some gummies.

RG: I think you learned your lesson.

Me: Never take an addict it's addiction away?

RG: Pretty much.

Me: Did you try taking Aizawa's coffee away once?

RG: No but Mic did.

Me: And?

RG: Aizawa had him hanging outside upside down after yeeting that guy out of the window.

Me: Pfff- really? But aren't they like married?

RG: They are but not even marriage can stop Aizawa's addiction to coffee and cats.

Me: I guess.

RG: But let me tell you something.

Me: Hm?

RG: He was hissing at Mic before literally pouncing on him and wrapping him up in his scarf and throwing him out. No one dared to touch him after he hissed at anyone coming close to him.

Me: And here I thought he was a caterpillar.

RG: YES, but only in his calm state. If he is pissed, he is freaking pissed cat! So if he ever is angry at you just bring him a can of coffee!

Me: Noted. Thanks for telling me that.

RG: Well it's already late. You should head back and eat some breakfast too before going to class.

Me: I will.

Just like that I began to walk out of the infirmary thanking RG again for healing me before going back to the dorms to get some breakfast and head towards class myself.

A/N: Shaheds1265738  by request, I hope you like it and that this was how you imagined it to be.

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