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Training was more strenuous than normal. Gaia had me doing longer and more deeply connected exercises, calling on me to find past commanders and hold onto them. I couldn't find Lexa in my mind today. By the end of the session, I was exhausted. I went back to the tavern and headed upstairs to collapse on the bed, immediately falling into a deep slumber.

As usual, my body was tired, but my mind was busy. Visions and flashbacks swirled around my head in a blur. They moved by my vision faster and faster at a sickening speed, I couldn't tell what was real and what was fake. I couldn't find Lexa to guide me and Sheidheda was more present than ever in these images. I could feel myself moving around but I couldn't wake up. Finally, I forced my eyes open but I knew I wasn't awake. I was only awake in my mind space. I looked down at my hands, it seemed too real, but I knew it wasn't. I was in the flame. The space was dark and foggy, and I couldn't see to far ahead of me. Everything was eerily quiet except a slight breeze that seemed to whistle to me. I couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from, but I knew it was calling me. I followed the whistle cautiously, not knowing what I was walking into. I tried calling Lexa in my mind, but she didn't appear. I shut my eyes, really trying to concentrate on connecting with her. Squeezing them tight, I reached for her, but still couldn't find her. Frustrated, I opened my eyes to a very terrifying sight.

Sheidheda stood right in front of me. He didn't speak or blink, only staring at me with piercing and accusatory eyes. I took a cautious step back, afraid any movement could trigger him to attack. My fear was right. As soon as I stepped away, he lunged at me, grabbing my neck in his huge hand and easily lifting me up with the strength of one arm. I gasped in his grip, kicking my legs and clawing at his hands. Now he spoke.

"My little natblida," he seethed, "we will do great things."

I grunted in effort, trying to get out of his grasp.

"I'm... not... yours," I uttered out.

He laughed sinisterly.

"Maybe not yet," he smiled with an evil glint in his eye, "but you'll see, we're meant to work together."

I could feel the tiny bit of air left in my lungs escaping as I attempted to draw in any more. I would pass out soon if he didn't let go of me. Even outside of my mind space I could feel my body struggling from the lack of oxygen. If I didn't get down soon I would start seizing again. My body trembled and I could feel myself panting and sweating. In my mind space, Sheidheda brought me closer to his face, our eyes just inches away from each other. I could feel his breath on my face.

"We are simply," he said, carefully choosing his next word, "inevitable."

Finally, as he whispered out this last word, I awoke. My mind space vanished and I opened my eyes, recognizing the room above the tavern. As my mind unfogged I realized that Murphy had come into the room and was now shaking my shoulders and holding my face towards his. He looked frantic and I knew that he probably walked in on a pretty upsetting sight. I was awake but my expression was blank, my mind was still overtaking me and I couldn't come all the way back to reality yet.

"Jamie!" Murphy shouted at me, moving my hair out of my face and lightly tapping my cheek, "come on!"

I could hear the desperation in his voice and wanted so badly to just wake up and reassure him but I couldn't. It was like I was paralyzed again. I felt another person's presence in the room but couldn't see who it was. Murphy yelled at them to get help but by the sound of it, they never left.

Finally, I came to, gasping and opening my eyes wide as Murphy face visibly relaxed. He pulled me into his chest, hugging my head and rubbing my back. I held onto him, letting him know I was back and fine.

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