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I sat down and leaned against the backpack I had brought, letting out a sigh as did so. Echo, Bellamy, and Emori all had sat down as well and the four of us now sat in silence. It was like we were just waiting to be attacked and we couldn't do anything about it.

"Wait," Emori spoke up, "how did you get in Jamie?"

"What do you mean? I just ran until I found you guys," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

Echo looked at me inquisitively.

"You mean the forcefield?" I asked when none of them answered.

Bellamy nodded. They all looked almost guilty when I mentioned it.

"I guess it felt a little weird when I went through it but it didn't do anything to me, I'm fine, why?"

None of them answered. Bellamy clenched his jaw and Echo looked away. Emori stared at her hands.

"Guys? What's wrong?" I asked, slightly annoyed at their silence.

After a few moments of silence Emori spoke up.

"It killed Shaw," she said quietly.

Her words ached my heart. How could this happen? We needed Shaw, Raven needed him.

"It's a field of radiation," Bellamy explained, "he knew the eligius code to get it down long enough for us to get through, but he sacrificed himself to enter it."

I looked at the ground. I didn't cry. The pain was just a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I cleared my throat.

"So, what are we waiting for?" I asked, looking back up at them, "we can live here, we should go back and get everyone else."

"We don't know that yet Jame," Echo answered, "besides, there may be more people living here and we would never make it back to the ship in time."

I thought for a moment.

"The alarms went off on the ship as I left," I explained, "I think it was the airlock alarm."

"What do you mean?" Bellamy asked.

"I think there's someone else on the ship," I confirmed.

Everyone was quiet for a few moments.

"Well," Emori finally said, "we can't do anything about that right now."

I shrugged, knowing she was right. Besides, I had begun feeling strange. My head drooped and felt heavy, like I couldn't control where it went. I brought my hands up to hold it in place, looking around at Echo, Bellamy, and Emori. It was like I was in a bubble and they were all looking in at me. They were talking to me but I couldn't hear them. I was sweating and my legs were slightly shaking. My chest was heavy and the air felt thick. My vision was blurry and unfocused. I shut my eyes and tried to shake my head. When I opened them my mother stood in front of me.

"Mom?" I asked, looking at her.

I got up to hug her but was pulled back by the handcuffs that chained me to the wall. She looked at me, not speaking but just watching me. She looked at my backpack and back to me as if speaking with just her eyes.

"My bag?" I asked, suddenly remembering that I had a bobby pin in the front pocket.

I quickly bent down and unzipped the bag, fumbling around the pocket for the bobby pin. Once I felt it I took it out and unlocked the cuffs with it. I turned around and ran to my mom, but she was gone. Instead Nia stood in front of me with open arms. I stopped in my tracks.

"I've missed you Jamie," Nia spoke, coming over to me but not touching me, "please, let me show you something."

She waved her arm in front of me and I suddenly became aware of the three other people in the room with me. They were all standing now, their mouths yelling with no sound coming out of them. I looked around at them then back to Nia. My mother now stood beside her.

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