Eye in the Sky

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After Monty had filled me in it was decided that I would go with Bellamy and Clarke to talk to Indra. Everyone stayed in our tent that night, planning everything out so it would all go smoothly. I had fallen asleep leaning against Harper on the ground and I was the first one to wake up. I got up, careful not to disturb any of the others. It was still dark outside, it must've been really early but I couldn't fall back asleep. I kissed Clarke on the cheek when I spotted her on the bed and began getting ready. I braided my hair and pulled the rest of it into a ponytail. I hummed my mom's song as I got ready. I noticed that the plant dye Clarke and I had put in our hair was slowly fading away. It saddened me to see it go, it was the last physical reminder of our days in the valley together. It was like the end of another life. A life that felt so long and far away now. I pulled on my jacket and sat on the edge of the bed. I began to sing the song out loud, hearing the words out loud always made me feel closer to my mom and now it made me feel closer to Echo.

Always and always

Even when our paths stray

Promise me you'll remember.

That always and always

My love for you lasts all days

And when you fall down

I'll be there to

Make you better.

I noticed Monty on the ground start to stir and stopped singing. He slowly woke up, realizing we were the only two up.

"Can't sleep either?" Monty asked groggily.

"Nope," I said, "too much going on to rest."

"Same," Monty answered, "you know it's all going to work out today right? Once we get Indra on our side we'll be able to convince Octavia not to use the worms."

"If you say so," I said, not entirely convinced.

"Hey, you wanna hear a story about Echo?" he asked me gently, "sorry you don't have to say yes or anything I just thought it might help-"

"Sure," I interrupted him as he blurted an apology, "I would like that."

"Well," he started, "on the Ring at first, we didn't really know Echo. I mean she was from Azgeda so we had never really talked to her in a non violent situation. I'll admit, I was scared of her. But I'll always remember the night I first felt close to her. It was about a couple months or so after the death wave and everyone was feeling a little bored or just tired of the same thing everyday. To try and lift everyone's spirits I tried changing the algae recipe a little to just spice things up. Everyone hated it. I mean, it was bad Jamie. I could hardly eat it myself. But Echo didn't complain like everyone else. She sat and thanked me and ate her whole dish. I could just tell she was trying not to gag but she sat there and finished her plate. I was in shock, honestly. After that I wasn't scared of her. I realized she was trying to fit in just as much as any of us."

"Algae?" I asked with a laugh, "that's what made you like Echo? Must've been some pretty boring times up there."

"Maybe" Monty laughed, "but hey, it worked. Now she's family to me, and you too Jamie. I promise we'll get her back."

We were interrupted as Clarke woke up. I went over and hugged her as she got out of bed and pulled on her jacket. Harper and Bellamy soon woke up and we quickly went over the plan before all going our separate ways. Harper would go inform Gaia that my wound had reopened and I would not be at training today and then inform Octavia that Indra wanted to see her in the hydrofarm so we could confront her, Monty would keep working on getting the eye down, and Clarke, Bellamy, and I would find Indra and try to get her on our side.

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