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Knowing the blonde wasn't a flamekeeper scout eased my nerves about being basically stranded with her, but I was still very hesitant to approach her. I had gotten this far in my life alone, and I didn't plan on surrendering myself to anyone anytime soon. If my banishment taught me anything, it was that I was meant to be alone, that I was not worthy of a clan to belong to, and anything good that came my way could be taken away at any time. Betrayal and abandonment had left me to fend for myself, in turn teaching me that the only person I could trust was myself. It was just easier to live this way, I couldn't be hurt by anyone if they never got close to me, and nothing could be taken from me if I never owned it.

Nevertheless, I couldn't stop myself from going to check if she made it out of the trap and to the trailer that night. For some reason, I had to make sure she was okay. I may seem like a cold hearted warrior, but that night something else took over me and I secretively, or so I thought, watched her through the window as she stitched up her leg from the trap. I decided that if she was going to take my home, I at least deserved to camp out here for the night. Something inside of me cared if she was hurt or not. I found a tree closer to the valley and climbed up, finding a nook and falling asleep for the night.

It wasn't long before a night terror took over my mind and my sleep. Bits and pieces of the childhood I so desperately forced out of my memory threatened me. Tired of fighting these memories, I allowed myself to remember.

"Now Jamie! Prove yourself loyal to Azgeda and your blood! A warrior does not need petty things like love. Your connection to your sister makes you weak. Kill her or I will kill you both."

My sister's eyes looked into mine, desperately and defeatedly telling me to do it. She knew what would happen if I didn't.

"You have 10 seconds."

"It's ok J. I'll be ok" my sister whispered.

I raised my sword above my head and began to run at my older sister, Queen Nia's words swirling in my head. "Be ruthless. Love is weakness. Kill to live and live to kill." My mind and heart raced as I charged my only family I had left. As I reached her I brought my foot to her chest, knocking her down to the ground as I stood over her, sword poised and ready to kill. I had become a warrior, an animal as my chest raised and fell rapidly over the anticipation of the kill. I was just about to bring the sword down through her heart when she whispered one last thing, causing me to falter.

"Always" she breathed as she accepted her fate.

That one word was enough to shake me out of my rage and trance I seemed to be taken over by during the fight. My body tensed and my eyes widened as I realized what I was doing. The world around me slowed as I looked around, seeing the bloodthirsty crowd and the ever threatening eyes of Queen Nia sharpen at my pause. The roars of the crowd were deafening and I felt stuck in time as I calculated my next decision.

The world seemed to rush back into focus and speed as I brought the sword to my own neck.

"I won't do it," I said, my voice barely whispering.

Nia nearly shook with rage.

"Kill to live and live to kill, Jamie. Your love has made you weak. Guards! escort this pathetic excuse for a nightblood to a cell. Her sister too. I'll deal with them later."

My vision went black as I was knocked unconscious to be brought to a cell. The last thing I saw was my sister's face as she realized what I had done.

Back in my cell I regained consciousness to see my hands chained up above my head and my feet chained to the ground, forcing me to be standing upright. I slouched against the restraints, only to quickly stand rigid as Nia entered my cell, unaccompanied by any guards. She stared me down, somehow degrading me with her eyes. With a quick inhale she locked eyes with me.

"I keep wondering where I went wrong with your training," she started, "but I've realized, the problem is you, Jamie." Each word was like a dagger to my chest. Everything I had ever worked and trained for was gone, and I couldn't save myself or my sister.

Queen Nia continued, "You are weak and foolish. You are beyond saving. I can only make warriors out of warriors willing to fight. My time has been wasted for too long on you."

She suddenly whipped out a knife from behind her back and brought it to my jawline.

"Now I want you to feel the pain you have caused me at your failure."

She took the knife and traced long lines down the insides of my arms, before moving to my face. Starting at my inner eye, she slid her knife along my skin right beneath my eye. I held back any screams or shrieks of pain, shutting my eyes and trying to calm my breath. A tear escaped my shut eyes and Nia quickly noticed it as she finished her carving.

"Just like I said, weak."

She drew her hand back to slap me across the face and as her hand flew toward me-

I awoke with a start in the tree outside the trailer, my heart beating rapidly and my body covered in a thin layer of a cold sweat. My hands subconsciously darted to my face, tracing over the scar left under my right eye. It had been a very long time since I had allowed myself to remember any part of my past. The painful memory brought tears to my eyes, causing me to bite my lip and swallow any reaction, refusing to allow any weakness to show. Wiping away my tears, I began to climb down the tree, it was clear I would not be sleeping tonight.

I decided to just sneak into the trailer now, not being patient enough to wait until the sun had risen and the blonde had left it alone. I was very familiar with sneaking in and out of places without being recognized so my heart stayed calm as I approached the trailer. The door didn't lock so I easily opened it and stepped into my home, only then realizing how attached I had grown to this place. As soon as I stepped in, I felt a sense of comfort and safety before quickly realizing I was in there to sneak around and gather my things because someone had invaded this safety.

My eyes first searched for the notebook, quickly finding it right next to the bed occupied by the blonde. Figures. I thought. Quietly, I walked across the room to the bed. As I crouched down to pick up my notebook, the girl turned in her sleep, her face now only inches from my own. The eerie familiarity of it once again seeped into my mind and I found myself examining her, trying to attach her face to one of my memories. I snapped out of my trance as she breathed loud enough for me to hear, and quickly staggered back with my notebook before running out of the trailer and towards the river.

At the river, I settled onto a big rock and began to flip to an empty page in my notebook, my pages just visible from the moonlight. I fluttered through the pages, admiring my past sketches and taking in the faces of people I once knew. Everyone I ever met or ran into was in these pages, minus Queen Nia, as I couldn't forget her if I tried. A blanket of comfort took over me as I looked through my pages, only to be violently ripped off when I came across a page with a drawing not done by me. Curiously, I looked at the sketch. I was sure I had not drawn it, because it was a picture of me. I hardly recognized myself but I knew it was undoubtedly me. Who had drawn in my notebook?

My eyes slowly moved down the page until they fell on two, bold yet gentle words: By Clarke. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so now you know a little bit more of Jamie's background! I'm really excited to keep bringing more parts of it to life for you guys. 

What do you think Jamie knows Clarke from?

Who do you think is Jamie's sister?

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