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I stood up as I heard approaching footsteps and walked away, trying to hide my face.

"Jamie!" I heard Clarke calling out frantically.

I picked up my pace and noticed I was headed toward the bunker. I quickly turned away and walked towards the desert, there was no way I was going near that bunker. That bunker had changed the person I had looked up to into someone I couldn't recognize. Someone who was trying to tear my people apart. Once I reached the big sandhill that blocked me from the camp I sat down. The sand was hot but comforting beneath me. I dug my hands into it, pushing them deeper under the warmth. I began to hum my mom's song to calm myself down. I wished she was still here more than ever. When I had gotten Echo back a small part of me had tried to tell me my mom was still alive too. Convincing myself she was really gone was like losing her all over. I had watched her die yet a small piece of myself still thought I would see her come out of the bunker. I couldn't help it. I hummed her song now, centering myself and calming down my breathing. I was focusing so hard on my humming and breathing that I didn't notice Clarke had found me.

"Jamie" I heard her gasp in relief as she ran over to me.

I got up and hugged her, feeling guilty for making her worry.

"Sorry," I mumbled into her chest, "I just..."

I began to explain but my voice trailed off as I realized I couldn't put it into words. I didn't think she would understand.

"No, I am Jamie." Clarke said, surprising me.

I looked up at her with a confused look.

"You're not wrong for wanting to go home and you're not wrong for being upset about what's happening. But you have to understand that I can't let you just risk your life to leave."

"Clarke I can't stay here!" I protested.

"I know," she said, "but you're not leaving by yourself."

"W-What do you mean? You're letting me go?" I asked in disbelief.

"Come with me" Clarke said, turning and walking back toward camp.

I jogged to catch up with her and grabbed onto her hand. I saw Bellamy, Echo, Monty, and Harper huddled behind a building, looking at us as we seemed to approach them. I looked at Clarke who just looked ahead at them. Once we reached them Echo looked at me like she wanted to say something. I looked away. I noticed Bellamy watch our interaction curiously.

"Did you tell her?" Echo asked.

"Tell me what?" I questioned.

Clarke turned to me, grabbing my shoulders. I sensed the seriousness of the situation.

"We have a plan, Jame. Tomorrow night you're going to defect with Echo."

I was stunned, what had changed their minds?

"Wait what?" I asked, stuttering slightly in my confusion.

"We made a deal with Octavia to let you guys go. You'll root out the traitors and make sure no one else leaves. If no one leaves, Diyoza will think we are still unified which is a good thing for Octavia. If you do this, Octavia won't have anyone fire at you guys, you'll get back on Octavia's good side, and Echo's banishment will be lifted" Bellamy explained.

I noticed Echo look down slightly at the mention of her past. I nodded slowly as I processed the plan. If I did this, everyone I love would be safe, we would be able to stay here. Echo wouldn't be in danger and it would help me too. I know that it is what I wanted, but a bad feeling started to form in me. I was scared to leave and to spy, what would happen to the people we ratted out? How could I know they would be ok? Clarke noticed as I shifted uncomfortably, putting her arm around my shoulders and rubbing my arm reassuringly.

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