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Jamie's POV:

It had been three months since I learned that Echo was alive. I still got headaches but other than that, I had recovered nicely thanks to Clarke. The healing was painful, but I was grateful to come out rather unaffected. In the first month, she guided me through sitting and standing up. At first, it was excruciating to move but as we went on, it slowly got easier and easier and by the second month, Clarke and I were back to taking morning walks through the woods. Once I had regained the strength to keep my eyes open and speak, I endlessly badgered her with questions about Echo. I could tell she was holding back from telling me some things, but I still bothered her everyday with more and more questions. After all, I hadn't seen her since the night I was banished and I had thought she was dead. Clarke had helped me a ton when we found each other, but the valley was lonely sometimes and I still grieved for those I had lost like my mother and Lincoln. Just knowing that Echo was alive and that I would get to see her someday greatly helped me get through each day. I knew that if I ever needed any help or needed to talk about anything, Clarke would be there for me but something inside of me, the warrior part, fought me everytime I considered it.

This morning, Clarke and I decided to take a jog to the river. I was finally feeling energetic and mostly back to my normal self and I was dying to exert myself. I had been lying down for so long, my legs were itching to run.

"You ready Jame?" Clarke called from outside.

I was just finishing tying my hair back.

"Coming!" I called and ran out to meet her.

Her long blonde hair was tinged a light pink at the ends, last night we had found summer berries and smashed them to paint our hair with. Now, both of us had stained pink ends to our blonde hair. I grabbed my pack from the step of the trailer and jogged over to her. She turned around to hug me good morning before putting her arm around my shoulders and beginning our walk to the river. After a couple minutes, I shook off her arm and broke out into a run, smiling back at her.

"Try and catch me!" I called back to her and I let my legs take me, faster and fast towards the river.

Even though I hadn't been out in a long time, the woods were familiar and I expertly navigated through the forest and swiftly jumped over any fallen trees in the path. My lungs breathed in the crisp morning air and a smile broke out over my face. I felt at home in the trees. Suddenly, I heard Clarke behind me.

"Is that the best you can do?" she teased me, running ahead of me.

Oh yeah? I thought and darted off the path, taking a shortcut. I jumped over trunks and branches, nimbly sprinting through the crowded area of the shortcut. I arrived at the river and scrambled up to the high rock, laying down and letting the sun soak onto me, catching my breath and my legs dangling off the cliff.

"What took you so long?" I called out jokingly when I heard Clarke arrive.

"Ok, ok, you win this one" she conceded, laying next to me.

Clarke's POV:

Jamie had recovered slowly but surely, each day getting a little better. At first it was heartbreaking trying to get her to sit and stand up. I could tell how painful it was for her but I knew she had to try, it was the only way she would get better. She definitely was a fighter, I admired her strength throughout her recovery. Once she could talk, the only words that came out of her mouth were questions about Echo. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. There was no denying they were family, now that I knew I saw how similar the two looked. They had the same features and same demeanor. I wondered why I had known Echo yet she had never mentioned Jamie. It was clear that they were very important to each other but Echo had never spoken of her. Something must have happened, but I wasn't going to pressure Jamie to talk about it. It was clear that she has been through a lot and I knew she struggled with anxiety from it. I would be there to listen if she wanted to talk about it, but I decided not to push her to open up to me. I knew how hard it could be to open up to people so I didn't want to put that pressure on her.

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