125 Years Later...

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When Wonkru and the eligius prisoners went into cryosleep ago, they had no clue that it would be one hundred and twenty five years until they would wake up again. But I did. As everyone got into their pods the flame showed me. Earth wouldn't be survivable in at least a hundred years, let alone not in ten when we planned to go back. Monty knew too.

The prisoners went in first. I knew I had to talk with Monty before we went under. When Echo and Clarke looked away, I made my way over to him. I grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side to tell him.

"Monty, Earth won't be survivable for another hundred years at least," I said in a hushed whisper.

"I know, I was looking at the geography and the half life of the radiation. We can't go back down in ten years. I haven't told anyone yet, you?"

I shook my head.

"Good, don't" he said, "go back to Clarke and get in your pod. I'll wake you up once everyone else is asleep and we can figure this out."

"Promise?" I asked him, knowing how selfless he was.

"I promise Jamie, I won't leave you behind."

I nodded and went back to my pod. Echo and Clarke had been waiting for me. A smile appeared on my face when I read my name on the pod, Jamie Griffin. Just like Clarke. Echo and I never had a last name. It felt like I belonged somewhere with one. I hugged Echo tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Hey, don't worry," she smiled, "you'll see me in the morning."

"I know," I said, knowing I was going to stay awake with Monty, "but I just love you."

"I love you too, Jame," she said gently, "now hop in."

I climbed in and laid down in the pod. Clarke leaned over, kissing my forehead and Bellamy squeezed my hand.

"May we meet again," I said as the pod closed.

I closed my eyes and waited for Monty to wake me up.


The next time I woke up, everyone around me was gone. Clarke and Echo were both in their pods. I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes I remembered what was happening.

"Monty?" I called out, climbing out of the pod.

The floor was cold on my bare feet. I shivered as I walked through the ship, wondering where he was.

"Hello?" I called out again, hearing someone down the hall, "Monty?"

No one answered again. But then I saw a flash of someone turning the corner, walking away from me.

"Hey! Monty!" I called out, starting to run.

After chasing for a few moments, the person ran into a room, cornering themselves. They were facing the wall and I couldn't see their face.

"Why are you running from me?" I asked out of breath, thinking it was still Monty in front of me.

The person turned around with a look of fear on their face. I gasped and took a step before looking at them closer. It was a boy, probably pretty close to me in age. He had dark hair and gentle eyes. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't say why.

"Who are you?" I asked incredulously, backing up slowly.

"Who are you?" they asked back, "why are you looking for my dad?"

My head spun. My breath became uneven. What was happening?

"Your dad?" I asked.

"Monty?" he said back, "you've been calling his name?"

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