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I squeezed Clarke's hand as she leaned over to kiss my head. I couldn't believe the news. Simone walked over to Diyoza in the midst of the moment.

"You're with child," she noticed, "how far along?"

"Six months," Diyoza replied, "give or take."

Simone looked impressed.

"Through cryosleep, then?" she inquired.

"Right," Diyoza confirmed.

"That's remarkable," Simone said, "if you'd like we can have one of our prenatal physicians examine you in the morning."

"I like," Diyoza said graciously, "thank you."

I turned to Clarke, wanting to tell her all about what had happened while we were outside of the shield.

"You should've seen Octavia and Diyoza fighting terrorists," I started but got interrupted as Clarke asked where Octavia was.

Echo had told me about how Bellamy hadn't let Octavia on the ship that night. She could be anywhere. I looked at Bellamy who looked regretful but didn't say anything. Suddenly, Russell stepped forward urgently.

"Charmaine Diyoza?" he questioned.

"Yes," Diyoza answered a little uneasily.

"Escort this woman past the shield, right now!" Russell demanded, the guards already coming forward to take her.

"Just wait," Bellamy stepped in, "what is this?"

"Seems my reputation precedes me," DIyoza said regretfully.

"You could say that," Russell seethed, "your face is in our history books next to Hitler and Bin Laden."

I stepped in, trying to calm the situation.

"What about the baby?" I asked, trying to get Russell to turn his attention elsewhere.

"If any of you would care to join her, be my guest," Russell announced, ignoring me.

I started to step forward with Diyoza but Clarke and Echo both pulled me back.

"It's ok kid," Diyoza said with a small smile, "stay frosty."

I watched as they took Diyoza away, angry at what had just happened. People can change, couldn't they see? Gaia stepped in front of where I was looking, locking eyes with me and telling me not to do anything stupid. I turned away and held onto Clarke.


I woke up the next day with a huge headache. All the stress and thinking had started to physically affect me. As I sat up, I heard the noise of a crowd downstairs. A happy crowd at that. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. I went over to Clarke at the bar and hugged her good morning, waving to Murphy as well. I took notice of everything happening around us: people laughing, dancing, and talking, beautiful smells coming from the kitchen, and smiles everywhere.

"What is all this?" I asked Clarke with a smile.

"Well, don't you know?" a man appeared behind me and answered for Clarke, "it's Naming Day! And you're the guests of honor," he added, holding out a tray of pastries, "go on, take one!"

I took one and hesitantly brought it to my mouth. It smelled delicious and tasted even better. I smiled at the man who winked back at me.

"A good cookie can change your life," he said, moving on through the crowd.

I smiled at Clarke as he left.

"I think we're going to like it here," she said.

"I think you're right," I concurred.

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