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Rest didn't come to me that night. Only more nightmares and visions clouded my mind. I woke up several times in a cold sweat, still unable to sit up or move. Sheidheda watched my every thought and move. I couldn't escape him no matter how hard I tried. Whenever he came around I felt cold, a chill coming with his presence. It was like he had complete control of me. I couldn't fend him off and couldn't stop seeing him. I only had a little bit of an upper hand on him and I hadn't given it up yet, but I worried for how long I could keep it. I wondered where Gaia had gone, I needed to see her. She needed to guide me through this.

But I couldn't get to her soon enough. I really did fight back, I promise. But he was too strong. This time when he appeared, he didn't keep his distance. He moved towards me, his head cocking slightly, his good eye looking at me with vicious intent. I told him to go away, I started to run, but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed my leg, making me fall to the ground hard. Struggling, I scrambled backwards but still he approached and stood over me. I yelled at him to leave me alone, to leave my people alone, but it was no use. He reached down and lifted me up with both of his hands at my throat. I clawed and kicked, but I couldn't get free. He was now yelling at me but I wasn't listening. I couldn't succumb to him. I brought my hand to his face, sticking my fingers under his eye patch, feeling the cold, slimy surface underneath. He dropped me and stumbled back in pain. I fell to the ground and rubbed my throat, trying to catch my breath but noticing myself coming out of my mindspace. My vision of Sheidheda faded as I was transported back to reality. I only saw the ceiling of the room for a second before my eyes rolled back in my head. I was seizing. My body flailed, my hands clenched, and my head jerked violently. Echo and a few other people had run into the room, all of them now desperately trying to hold me down as I shook. I could hear Echo and feel her hand on my forehead, trying to soothe me. My body finally began to calm down and I could feel some pairs of hands let go of me. I drew in shaky breaths, my face lined with a cold sweat as I thought about what just happened. Sheidheda had got to me. He could overpower me. He could control me. I stared at the ceiling, numb from fear as Echo tried to get my attention. Hands waved in front of my face but it was like I was in a fog. I could only think about Sheidheda. I could only see his hands coming towards me. I could only feel his hands around my neck.

I finally came back to when Echo snapped in front of my eyes, jolting me back to awareness and reality. I sat up and looked around the room, scanning to see who was here. I was afraid he would somehow appear, but it was just our people. Echo waved at them and they left, one of them to go find a doctor. Echo sat beside me on the bed and draped her arm across my shoulders, pulling me into her. I quickly leaned my head into her chest and held onto her other arm. I was still trembling.

"Shhh," Echo soothed me, "you're ok now," she whispered, "you're ok."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell her about Sheidheda. I didn't want to tell anyone. I couldn't even bring myself to say his name. Echo continued to hold me, lightly kissing the top of my head as I calmed down.


After I had calmed down and gotten all checked out I immediately wanted to see Gaia. The doctor had told me that the best answer for why I had a seizure was just anxiety. I wasn't about to tell anyone anything different. I wasn't about to tell anyone that it was because of Sheidheda. Everyone, especially Echo, was already worried enough about me as it was and I didn't want to cause any more stress. Besides, Lexa had chosen my spirit as the next commander and I trusted her judgement. If this was what came with the flame, I was ready to handle it. Unfortunately, I didn't have too much time to speak with Gaia as right when I was all ready to go see her, our group was headed back to Sanctum.

I made sure to find Raven and grab onto her hand, letting her know I wouldn't stray from the path this time. She squeezed my hand and smiled at me as we walked out of the ship with the rest of the group. I couldn't wait to see everyone we had left at the tavern. I was a little worried about Jordan. He was pretty naive and I didn't like to leave him alone without me by his side. I was also super excited to be back with Clarke. Her presence was comforting to me, I always felt more at home when she was around. I was silent as we walked, thinking about so many different things I couldn't even pay attention to what was happening around me. I felt Raven's hand strongly holding mine and directing me through the forest, but my mind was elsewhere. Echo's voice finally broke me out of my trance as she called to me.

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