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*a month later*

Since the night Clarke told me about Lexa, we became inseparable. I hadn't told her about my past but I had come back to the trailer, still leaving some of my stuff tied up in my tree. During the day we would go on hikes, explore what was left on earth, fish, forage, and sketch, and at night we would prepare dinner and sit around our fire and eat. She had set up a second bed of sorts on the floor of the trailer next to my bed, but most nights she slept in my bed with me at my request. Since learning that Nia was dead my nightmares and flashbacks became less frequent, but they were still just as intense. I could tell Clarke worried about me and wondered what had happened to me, but she never pressured me to tell her anything. When I was ready I would tell her but for now it was too painful for me to talk about. I learned more about her friends, Raven the computer whiz, Monty the plant whisperer, and Bellamy, Clarke's best friend and one of my favorites. She had told me about the bunker that her people had discovered, telling me that one day I would get to meet many of the people she had told me about. She had also told me that a group of her friends had gone to space to wait out the radiation, but it seemed like a tough subject for her so I never asked who had been on the ship.

Each morning I noticed Clarke leave the trailer to try and contact them, mostly talking to Bellamy. I let her have her privacy during this and instead sketched or slept while she did this daily ritual of sorts. At this point, all Clarke knew about me was that I was from Azgeda and that I was a nightblood, thanks to my scar on my palm and the fact that I had survived the radiation. I had also shown her a couple of my sketches, keeping some of them private, like Echo and my mother. Something inside of me wanted to keep those for myself, they were my family and my drawings of them were all I had left. When my nightmares came, Clarke was there for me, ready to hold me in a tight hug until I could calm down and fall back asleep. Some nights they were so bad I would run out of the trailer and through the woods as my flashbacks overwhelmed me. Usually when this happened she just let me run off, knowing I would probably end up at my tree. She would always come a little later to carry me back to the trailer, never asking me about it but looking at me with her eyes that gave everything away. She worried about me and my pain saddened her, but I couldn't explain it to her.

We were walking towards the river like usual when I decided to tell her about my scar. Well, I guess both of them, the Azgeda symbol on my palm and the line beneath my eye.

"You know the scar on my hand Clarke?" I asked, starting up the conversation.

"Yeah, the Azgeda one?" she replied.

"Do you want to know how I got it?" I prompted her.

She looked at me with a puzzled expression, wondering why I suddenly wanted to tell her about it after refusing to talk about my past for the past month.

"If you want me to know" she finally responded.

We kept walking as I told the story of my past. How, as a nightblood, I was taken for training and made into a warrior to serve Azgeda. I told her about my shameful viciousness and my time in the fighting ring. I told her how Queen Nia had carved the symbol into my palm to represent me becoming a soldier and slave to Azgeda, dismissing my identity and individuality. I told her about my training as well, not mentioning my mother or Echo or even the fact that I had been banished. I then moved on to the line beneath my eye, explaining how it had been punishment for "disappointing" Nia, not wanting to bring up my banishment or the reason behind it. I told her how, even though I knew Nia was dead, it felt like she was still breathing down my neck, how I still felt pressured by her to be a heartless warrior and how everytime I looked at my face and saw my scar, all I saw was Nia. Clarke looked at me with a pained expression.

"Jamie" she breathed, not knowing what to say.

What could she say? There was nothing to be said about it. It had happened and there was no way to go back and stop it.

"I know," I said, noticing that we had arrived at the river.

"You know I will never let anyone or anything hurt you right?" she said, turning and grabbing my shoulders with both hands to look into my eyes.

"I know," I said, turning away, "but it already happened. I let them change them. I killed people. I felt nothing. I will always have that part to me."

"Sometimes," Clarke started, "who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things" she finally said.

"You didn't choose to be taken by Nia and you didn't choose to be brainwashed and changed. You did, however, choose to overcome that. The fact that you are standing here with me now if proof of that. You're strong Jamie, don't let anyone tell you different."

I looked at her.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Always" she replied, causing my heart to ache a little.

Always was my family's word.

Suddenly, our moment was interrupted by a strong, harsh breeze whipping through the valley. The sky grew dark and rain fell violently from the sky.

"Get to the trailer!" Clarke yelled over the wind.

We ran through the woods, Clarke just a little bit behind me as the world around us attacked us, throwing random twigs and pieces of earth towards us, the rain blinding us, and the wind nearly pushing me over. When we finally got to the trailer, our little camp was a mess, thrown apart by the ever growing storm. We ran for cover inside the trailer, quickly closing the windows and the door.

"What is happening?!" I shouted to Clarke over the noise as she came over to huddle with me on the ground in the middle of the trailer.

"I don't know" she said into my ear, "remember that day in the desert with the wind storm?"

I nodded, huddling closer to her.

"I guess this is what it looks like in the forest."

The door suddenly flung open, the wind entering our home and throwing our things everywhere.


When the storm had finally calmed down, we assessed the damage done both inside and outside of the trailer. It was pretty drastic, many of our supplies carried off to various places, lost in the forest. One of our windows had shattered, sending glass into the trailer and onto the floor. It looked like a tornado had come through our valley.

"We can't survive this alone" Clarke said, mostly to herself though I heard her.

"Well, that's kind of our only option" I replied.

"Maybe..." Clarke's voice trailed off as it often did when she was getting an idea.

"What are you thinking?" I asked her.

"Follow me" she said, walking off in a direction we rarely took.

We trekked through the wreckage of the forest, hand in hand, for an hour or so before Clarke suddenly stopped. I looked up to see what she had brought us to.

"The rover" Clarke said and smiled, "please work."

I had no clue what it was but I understood that it would take us a lot farther than our feet could. We both climbed in and Clarke, surprisingly, started it up on the first try.

"Wait," I interrupted, "where are we even going?"

"The bunker" Clarke responded, a look of hope and a glimmer of happiness in her eyes.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so this is kind of a filler chapter/not that interesting but there's a couple really good ones coming up! I'm so excited.

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