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We drove through the forest, Murphy radioing Bellamy every so often to see if we were in range yet.

"Bellamy, come in. It's Murphy. Please tell me you can hear me" he said into the radio.

I looked at him, taking my eyes off the path for a second. He turned to look at me sassily.

"What?" he asked bluntly.

"Thought you'd be funnier" I said back, remembering all of Clarke's stories about his endless jokes and wise cracks.

"Clarke told her stories" Monty piped up.

"Oh really?" Murphy teased, "Was I the dashing hero who got the girl?"

"Or the selfish fool who lost her?" Emori snapped.

"Octavia's was my favorite" I said, "no offense," I added, looking back at Echo.

I was still mad, hurt, and confused at what she had told me. The others talked in the back, recalling how Clarke had saved them from the death wave when all of a sudden the collar on Murphy began buzzing. He seized up in his seat, grunting in pain. Electricity coursed out of the collar and into him. He jerked around in his seat, writhing in pain. Emori reached up to touch it but got zapped and fell back against her seat. I quickly put the rover in reverse, backing up. I figured the collar must have had a certain point it couldn't pass without going off.

"Smart" Monty remarked as I backed up.

Once we reversed a little, the collar stopped shocking him and he slumped in his seat panting. The group debated in the back. Emori stressed over whether Murphy was okay, Harper asked Monty if she could get the collar off, and Echo insisted that we needed to keep moving. I didn't say anything but I agreed with her. The longer we took to reach Bellamy, the more time the prisoners had to launch the missiles. If we didn't move fast, we would be too late. Murphy had the same thought as us apparently as he got out of the rover.

"Echo's right. Just leave me behind" he said, still out of breath.

"No way," Monty said, not wanting to leave his friend behind, "if there's a tether that means there's a tracker too. They're probably on their way to find you now."

"All the more reason you guys should get going" he hopped out of the rover and shut the door, "Go. Before our friends explode."

I put the rover back in drive and sped forward, feeling guilty for leaving Murphy behind but knowing we had to go. I noticed Emori had left from the back of the rover too and felt a lump form in my throat. I had only just met these people yet I found myself already feeling connected to them. I knew Murphy and Emori would be fine together, but I was still worried about them out in the woods alone, especially with Murphy's shock collar on. We sped on, leaving them behind. Echo reached up to squeeze my shoulder but I flinched at her touch. She drew in a quick inhale and settled back in her seat. Monty picked up the radio and continued to try and reach Bellamy.

"Please, if you can hear me, this is an emergency" he spoke urgently into the radio.

We began to lose hope as we drove with no response. I just kept driving, not knowing what plan b was if we couldn't get into radio range. Monty kept on repeating his phrase through the radio, his voice growing more desperate as he went. Finally, we heard a response. Monty's eyes widened and Echo and Harper leaned in at the sound of Bellamy's voice. I felt my shoulders sag as I let some of my concern go.

"Monty, it's me. Something tells me we got your emergency beat" Bellamy said, his voice tinged with worry.

"I doubt that," Monty pressed on, "the prisoners have an eye in the sky on the mothership and a missile system on their transport ship. They're on their way to you right now. You have to move. Hide somewhere, take cover."

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